Bad Promises and more Discoveries

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A/N - 
ok, so i finally got around to updating! its not the best chapter, but i hope its alright? comment what you think and vote if you like it!!


I could not believe what was standing before me. She wasn't really there, was she? There was no way that, my mother, was wearing the nurses uniform and checking my injured knees. It wasn't possible, right? She must be some random woman who just happened to look exactly like my mother. Right? 

"Jace dear, you must be more careful when you're playing sport," she said.  

Looks like I was definitely wrong. This woman really was my mother. Well my life was now ruined.  

"May I ask something?" The doctor asked, staring me down with his light blue eyes.  

"Ah, yes?" I replied nervously.  

"Are you really a boy?"  

Both my mother and I froze at that moment; neither of us sure of what to do. He really did realise it right away, just like Mr Slaughter told me. God, I was going to be killed by several people now; Mr Slaughter for coming here, my mother and brother for getting caught, and Kalem too because I mislead him as being a guy. Yep, I was most certainly doomed.  

"I should have known better," came the low growl of Mr Slaughter from behind me.  

I slowly turned my head around and met his cold stare, gulping as I did. Why was he here?  

He is here to kill you, obviously. Came the little voice in my head.  

What do you mean, kill me? How did he even know I was here? 

Probably Kalem. He must have been crying because you were hurt or something.  

As much as I want to disagree, you're probably right...  

I shook my head, worried about myself. Since when did I have a little voice in my head? And since when did I talk back to it? Being in an all guys school was probably a bad idea.  

"Ah, Lewis, how good to see you again," the doctor smiled, popping up beside Mr Slaughter with a rather creepy grin on his face.  

"Get away from me Dave," Mr Slaughter growled, backing over towards my mother and I.  

"Aw, but I haven't seen you in such a long time," the doctor whined.  

Suddenly the doctor seemed to jump and latched his arms around Mr Slaughters neck. In retaliation Mr Slaughter pulled off some form of wrestling move that I couldn't quite catch, which ended up with the doctor lying on the floor and Mr Slaughter pinning him down with a murderous look on his face.  

I stared down at the doctor and realised for the first time how young he looked. He must have been in his early 20's with light blue eyes and sandy brown hair that was neatly trimmed and kept. He looked fit but not overly masculine, and honestly? He looked pretty hot.  

"Oh, Lewis, wasn't it you who asked me to get off you just a while ago? Have you changed your mind?" The doctor asked, grinning wickedly.  

I was wrong. He wasn't hot at all. He was a creep and I never wanted to come here again. Suddenly, Mr Slaughter was off the ground and standing behind me, placing a hand on my shoulder.  

"Listen Lewis, this kid has a perfectly good reason for being here, so don't let slip about her secret. Do you understand?" He growled.  

"Why should I? I don't get anything out of this do I?" The doctor replied, placing a hand on his hip and looking at Mr Slaughter in a rather creepy way.  

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