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"Y/N" I heard chan yelling for me from downstairs, pausing youtube I walked downstairs to see chan and his mates "what?" I said standing on the bottom step with my arms crossed "can you go to the shops and get me some stuff for the BBQ later" he said, "why can't you get it your setting it up and I might not be here" I sighed "fine ill get it but I want some things left-back for me" I said grabbing my card and keys as my phone was in my pocket. "message me the list" I said leaving hearing a couple of thanks for him and some of his mates. While walking I hear my phone go off, guessing the list then I heard my phone ringing and saw my boyfriends name, and answered it

"hey, I need to talk to you," I hear him say immediately, "okay, but I'm first heading to the shops to get stuff for my brother's BBQ," I said to him turning a corner "ill meet you there the one near your house," he said hanging up. what's up with him he been different.

I walk in and grabbed a basket, I heard the bell and saw James walk in, I saw a mark on his neck, I put my head down and walked round to him "hey" I said putting my head up he put his hand on his neck where the mark was, "I need to tell you something" I nodded and walked around grabbing food that I saw was on the list from chan "so last night I may have got drunk and made out with this girl, soon realising this morning I have slept with her, and I'm sorry I wished I did stop myself" he said I stopped "let me see it" I said sternly holding my tears "see what?" he said tilting his head "the mark" I said looking at him straight in the eyes, he released his hand and it was a hickey "I'm sorry Y/N" he said, "I hope you're happy with her" I just said to him "wait, you aren't mad" he said confused "oh im beyond mad but she gave you something I never, so be happy with her" he looked down and smiled and walked away "that... that, I don't know" I walked around grabbing everything else then some soju because I need this I went and paid then went with two bags and a box of soju. 

I kicked the door as I had too much in my hands and soon hear movement then the door opening and saw chan there "hey you got it all and soju never asked for it but thanks" he said grabbing the bags "it's not for you" I said putting it on the stairs and saw the boys out back "why not?" he said pouting "one you're too young and second I'm in need to forget some things" we both grabbed a bag as he kept asking what happened, placing the bag down outside I walked in without listening to the boys and grabbed the box of soju and walked upstairs opening my door and placing the drinks on my bed, I turned on some music and opened up one of the drinks and began to drink it quite quickly.

I finished my 4th soju and heard a knock "come *hiccup* in" I said, I saw the door open and saw one of chans mates "hey I just wanted to ask if you like to join but I see you have your own party" pointing at the drink "yeah, just trying to drown my life out because he cheated on me so you know" I hiccuped at the end "who?" he said concerned and moving the drinks away "James my ex-bf" I said finishing my 5th soju "oh sorry to hear that, oh I just realised I've never introduced my self im Seungcheol" he said, putting the empty bottles in the soju box "im not letting you pass out so im moving this away." he said putting the box outside my door "but" I said pouting "im not letting you have more" I looked down and letting tears drop "im sorry" he wiped them away "why dont you come downstairs with me and come outside im sure chan wants you to be with someone right now" he grabbed my hand and walked me out my room I saw the soju box and grabbed a filled one and placed it behind my back, he helped me downstairs as I was stumbling, we walked outside and i saw chan come up to me hugging me as he saw i had red eyes "whats wrong" i was about to answer and felt the soju been talking from my hand, i turned to see seungcheol walking away with the bottle back in the house, damn it "Y/n how many you had" i put up 5 fingers and chan put his head down "why?" he asked "he cheated on me," i whispered, he hugged me and i hugged back " lets enjoy the BBQ" i said smiling, one of chan friends passed me a plate with the food, and we talk i learnt some about each of them but the one who always stood out was seungcheol, i sat down as i felt light headed from the drinks and looked up at the sky turning into the sunset colours, i smiled and felt a presence next to me "whats up" he said, seungcheol looked at me "just light headed i think im sobering up" i said holding my head "here" he passed me a water "thanks" i took a sip of it and it helped "and also thanks for taking the drinks away when you did as i might be pass out by now if you never came in" i said taking more sips of water, sitting up, i saw vernon pushing seungkwan in the pool, i smiled seeing these are all the guys i needed, "well i just had a gut feeling, to take you out of your room" he said, grabbing one of my bacons slices "hey!" i said slapping his arm playfully "couldnt help it" he said laughing.

it was pitch black with the only light sources being from the house, "guys I found some soju" Mingyu said with the box in his hand, I laughed at it with some of the boys looking confused "it's my soju I brought today, but you can all have some since im nice and there's enough in the box" I said floating in the pool and saw the boys all getting a cup, chan was just sat down looking at me with puppy eyes "chan you can get one just because im older by 5 minutes doesn't mean I can always stop you" he smiled at me and got up grabbing the last one from the box "Y/N how come you didn't one" Jeonghan asked sitting on the side of the pool sipping the drink "I had 5 today, that's when I came down here because I was gonna have the whole box upstairs but Seungcheol stopped me" I said sitting next to him, I put a towel around my waist and sat with my feet dangling in, "I know this may sound pretty weird but can I touch your hair Jeonghan" he nodded, it was soft my fingers just ran though it.

we all sat around the pool just chatting and laughing, when I got up to get some more water in the kitchen, grabbing a glass and running water into it I hear the boys whistle then laugh, I saw Seungcheol shaking his head as he came in smiling, "Hey what's up"I asked him sitting on the counter "just told the boys a joke" he said checking his phone on the side "so can I asked you something" seungcheol said, "yeah go ahead" I said putting the glass in the sink "well I was wondering if you would like to hang out with me but it just hopefully being us two and not the boys, in other words, im asking you on a date" he said with a gummy smile and dimples showing, hehe cute "oh um I don't know Seungcheol I just have broken up with my ex, but im not saying no to the date, it is just that I don't want to rush anything" he nodded and his dimples shown more, I poked it smiling "sorry" I said blushing and putting my head down "give me your phone" Seungcheol said, i passed him my phone and made sure its unlocked, he typed somethng in the taken a photo and tapped something else, and passed it back. I looked at my phone to see it was his number and the picture of him he just took.

we walked back outside and sat on the poolside as all the boys were in the pool splashing about. I looked up at the sky and felt water hitting me, I looked down to see seungcheol splashing me more, I got in the pool and splashed him, soon everyone was splashing each other was we had a splash (no pun intended).

we all sat in the living room and it was 12:22 and we all had a shower and because it was so late Dokyeom suggested a sleepover "no, I need there to be quiet and im the only girl in the house" I said sitting backwards "no your not Jeonghan is as well" Seungkwan said laughing along with the other members which lead Seungkwan to have a pillow hit in his face "what the kimbap kidding" Seungkwan said in disbelief, we all laughed for a bit "where are we meant to sleep" Wonwoo said, the boys were chatting, I yawned and got up and walked upstairs and shut my door and put my phone on charge, I heard a knock on my door "come in" I said, putting on the fairy lights that are on the door "hey chan what's up" I said as he came in and shut my door "what's wrong your making me worried?" he sat down on my bed, "I just wanted to ask but what did s.coups ask you? today when u was in the kitchen" I realised Seungcheol nickname is s.coups "oh he just asked me to hang out again just me and him" i said tucking myself in "ah okay, to be honest, wouldn't expect you to say yeah" he grabbed the glass and opened my bedroom door "see you in the moring little sis" he said sticking out his tongue "im older by 5 minutes" i laughed as he shut my door, I laid down thinking about Seungcheol as i heard downstairs become silent, i smiled and shut my eyes slowly drifting into my deep sleep.

yes there is now an imagines not any more of the other stories i made as i didn't have much inspiration, now i will update if i can more due to lockdown 

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