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"They are going to pay for this, no one touches what's mine."



I held the boy in my arms, running my hands through his hair. I could tell he was weak, he was resting all his weight on me.

"As much as I don't want to end this adorable moment, we still have to find Jeongin and Felix." Changbin interrupted our little moment. I was slightly annoyed at first but I know he's right.

"Can you walk?" I asked Jisung. He tried to get out of my grasp and stand by himself but he fell right back into my arms, "I'll take that as a no."

"Chan, are you ok?" Seungmin asked.

"Yeah, they didn't do anything major to me, just rustled me up a bit," He answered, reassuring us.

"I can't say the same about myself, everything in my body feels numb," Jisung told us with a shaky voice."

"What hurts?" Woojin asked, full dad mode activated.

"My ribs, leg, and wrists," Jisung answered.

"What happened?" I asked again, wanting an answer.

"It's nothing, really-"

"Tell me." Jisung sighed. He wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me into a hug. He hid his head in my neck.

"I tried to retaliate but that ended with someone kicking me in the knee with all his strength. Then Baekhyun was leading me to Suho's room and threw me to the ground. He started digging his foot into my ribs, leaning all of his weight into them. And the wrists, well you know why." I heard Woojin growl behind us in the mention of his brothers name.

"Jisung won't be able to help us, he needs to go back to the base and rest. If he does anything else to his body he could really hurt it," Chan stated. I couldn't agree more. As much as I want to get revenge on them for hurting Jisung, I knew that I need to get him to safety before anything else.

"I'll take him back, you guys find Jeongin and Felix," I told the others. I broke out of Jisung's embrace and picked him up bridal style. I started to head to the door but Changbin grabbed my shoulder.

"Minho, be careful," Changbin told me. I smiled and nodded. I ran out the door and headed down the hall.

"Jisung, how many people have you seen here?" I asked him.

"About... 6 maybe?" Jisung answered. Shit, I totally forgot how many people were in X.O. I started to head down another hall, and then another. They all looked the same. Shit, I think I'm lost.

"Um, Jisung. You wouldn't happen to know how to get out of here, would you?" He looked at me like I was crazy.

"You're lost aren't you?"

"Pfft, yeah right, I'm just wondering." Jisung groaned at my stupidity. I couldn't blame him, I wasn't really paying attention when we were sneaking down here. My head perked up when I heard footsteps coming from down the hall. I looked around and ran into the first room I saw. Luckily it was empty. I ran into the closet and hid in it. We weren't that lucky though, someone walked into the room behind us.

"What do you mean they're gone?" Someone asked, anger in their tone.

"I went in to check on them like you asked but no one was there." There was a loud crash as something shattered against the ground.

"Find them, find them right now. And when you find Jisung, bring him straight to me. I gave him a chance and he didn't take it. No one defies me, no one."

"Suho, are you going to kill him?"

"What do you think?"

"Yes sir." Then the door shut leaving Jisung, Suho and I alone in the room. I heard the sound of the table I saw before being thrown against the wall, which scared Jisung. He flinched and hit the side of the wall, making a small but noticeable noise. Suho definitely heard it, and I can't let him see Jisung. I set Jisung down on the ground and stood up. He grabbed my hand and mouthed 'no'. I smiled at him and pushed his hand off of mine, I had to do this. I stepped out the closet and closed it behind me as fast as I could so Suho couldn't see Jisung.

"Well, well, well. If it isn't Minho," Suho smirked.

"It is." I saw that there was broken glass on the ground and the table from before was shattered into pieces. He was even stronger than before, I need to be careful.

"Looks like Jisung did take my advice, even if he doesn't know it," Suho laughed. That bastard.

"Leave him out of this, this is between us," I glared.

"Oh yes, I almost forgot, you did something and I'm going to get revenge."

"You and I both know that was an accident."

"Was it? Was it really? You killed my best friend, It's hard to believe that was an accident," Suho screamed. I winced as his voice pierced my ears.

"Fine, maybe it wasn't an accident, but he left me no choice, he was going to kill me!"

"And I wish he did! A faggot (ew I hate that word) like you doesn't deserve to be alive! You're dead Lee Minho, DEAD!" Suho lunged at me, tackling me to the ground. I threw my hand up and pulled on his hair, loosening his grip on me. I used that to my advantage and kneed him, pushing him off of me.

I stood up and he was close behind me. I looked around for anything I could use. I looked at the shattered glass and picked up the biggest piece because I'm an idiot and didn't have any of my weapons.

"Now that doesn't seem fair, does it?" Suho smirked.

"We're in the apocalypse bitch, deal with it," I told him with a smug smirk on my face. His smirk faded and he lunged at me again, this time I was ready for it. I dodged out of his way and he went right past me. He quickly turned back towards me and grabbed my arm twisting it. I winced as he kept twisting, and twisting it. I kicked him in the shin and pushed him off of me.

"You've gotten stronger," Suho winced. 

"You've gotten smarter I see," I chuckled. He glared at me and got back on his feet. He circled around in the speed of light, grabbing onto my waist. He threw me to the ground on top of the shards of glass. I screamed out in pain as the shards cut into my skin. I got back up, fury coursing through my veins. I ran up to him and punched him in the gut. I grabbed onto his shoulders and pushed him to the ground. I straddled myself on top of him and pulled out the shard of glass I took before. I pushed it up against his neck, cutting into it slightly.

"Fuck you," Suho breathed out.

"You wish." I took the shard and stabbed it into his head, killing him on the spot.

I sighed and stood back up, only to scream out in pain. The cuts all over my body were stinging. The closet shot open and Jisung stumbled out of it.

"Jisung, no you're too weak," I told him.

"What did he do to you?" Jisung asked, limping over to me.


"No, what did he do to you?"

"He-he threw me into the broken glass," I told him, tears rolling down my face. Jisung tried to caress my face, but he already used up all of his strength, he fell to the floor. I fell down next to him and brought him into my arms.

"Jisung, I-I don't have enough strength to carry you," I whispered into his shoulder.

"What are we going to do?" He asked.

"I don't know, I really don't know."



Until Next Time~

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