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"I used to be one of them. I used to be friends with XO."


"You what?" I asked, horrified.

"Before us, even before the apocalypse, I used to be really close with the members of XO, really close."

"What the fuck! Why didn't you tell us?" Changbin asked, anger rising in his tone.

"Because... because I was scared. Scared of what you guys might think of me. They have always been cruel, especially Suho," Woojin told us.

"Suho? I think I've heard that name before," Jisung exclaimed.

"Yeah, that D.O guy mentioned him when he was talking to the guy with the deep voice," Jeongin said, pointing a finger up in the air like he just had an epiphany. 

"Wait," I said quickly, "Tell us more about them. It might help us get Chan out of here."

"Well, before the end of the world they were feared by everyone in their school. They would get into fights everyday, mostly Suho and Kyungsoo, D.O, though. After some time Kyungsoo was still fighting the kids at school but Suho, Suho went insane. He wouldn't only fight the kids, but the teachers as well, and even after some time he would also fight the other members. If they did something he didn't like, he would hurt them, and he would just laugh after. There's one big thing about Suho though, he has never once told a lie."

"Wait, how do you know all of this?" Felix asked.

"Baekhyun, one of the members, he, he's my brother," Woojin whispered quietly. Brother? One of the members of the most evil gang in South Korea is Woojin's brother?

"Woojin," Jisung said quickly, "If he's your brother, that means he trust you right?"

"Yeah, I guess so."

"Find him," Jisung told Woojin, grabbing onto his shoulders.

"What? Why?"

"Tell him that you've thought things over, tell him that you want to join his gang."

"Jisung's right, if your brother thinks your on his side we can easily get Chan back," I reassured, a smile growing on my face. Jisung was honestly a genius, and idiot, but a genius.

"Alright, I'll do it. I'll sneak around and find my brother, you all hide in one of the rooms up here, preferably a room that looks like no one uses. Once I tell my brother that I want to join his gang I'll ask where they keep their prisoners. It will be too risky for me to get Chan out myself so once I find out, I'll come back up here and tell you where he is," Woojin explained, hurrying his words.

"We can't all go at once, and we can't keep Seungmin waiting for that long," Changbin sighed.

"Then only a couple of people will stay, the others will wait back at our base in case something happens," Jeongin said.

"I'll stay," I volunteered, "Chan is my best friend, I'm going to get him out of here."

"Then I'll stay too, you can't do this on your own," Jisung told me with a smile on his face. I smiled back.

"Alright, everyone else-" Woojin was cut off by the sound of a door swinging wide open, exposing us to the members of XO.


Ok guys I'm going to do 5 more chapters because if I don't limit myself I don't think it will ever end lmao.

Until Next Time~ 

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