A Violent Dinner

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I woke up breathless, I was sweating and I could feel my heart beating rapidly. After getting myself together I glanced at the clock it was ten thirty. Damn I've over slept. I got up and headed towards the bathroom.

The whole Saturday passed by in a flash, Jason was out with his friends all day. Jen and I spent the afternoon in the kitchen; we baked cupcakes and a whole load of chocolate chip cookies. And mind you they were delicious.

Keeping myself busy all afternoon made me forget Riccardo, his letter, his request in the letter and the strange dream I had. At the back of my head I tried to remember the boy's face in my dream, but I couldn't recall anything. All I remembered was the dark scary face of a beast.

Remembering that face sent shivers up my spine. I had been thinking too much into it right? I mean it was only a dream, things or species as such didn't exist in the real world.

Before I knew it, it was already Sunday evening. It was a chilly day, there was hardly any sunshine. The cold breeze didn't help either. Oh how I missed the summer, the warm Australian sunshine.

Jason was out all day doing who knows what, Mr and Mrs Anderson weren't home either. So it was just me and Jen. Jen was very sweet; I got along with her pretty well.

"How can you be Team Edward?" I asked scrunching my nose in fake disgust.

"How can you be Team Jacob?" Jen asked mimicking my expression.

I raised a brow, "Have you seen Taylor Lautner's abs?"

"He is hot with a capital H"

"We are talking about Jacob not Taylor!" Jen stated.

"Same thing." I replied smugly.

"No its not, Jacob is a werewolf, Taylor's a mega hot guy who happens to live in LA."

I giggled, "Okay, sorry Miss-Technical"

"I still don't know how you can like Edward; he's so pale and broody."

"He's also well... dead!"

"Total turn-off" I said.

"Still doesn't put off the part where he is a sexy vampire. He lives forever, he's a gentleman that would do anything for the one he loves."

"Bypasses Jacob by far." Jen says smugly.

I roll my eyes at her, "Vampires creep me out." I said. The word vampire coming out of my mouth made me shudder, I didn't know why, but ever since I was a little girl and heard the Dracula story I hated the thought of them. I knew they were just fictional characters, but the thought of mercilessly drinking human blood for your hunger needs not only made me squeamish, but frightened the hell out of me.

Thinking of vampires made me remember my dream, that beast was a vampire. Realization hit me, of course it was; those dark eyes, the veins and the fangs. Why was I dreaming about vampires? I mean I've never thought about vampires, gosh I've never thought about anything super-natural.

My hand automatically moved to my neck, I swallowed remembering the pain I felt, I knew it was just a dream, but the pain felt so real.



"You tend to do that a lot." Jen said.

"Do what?" I asked coming out of my trance of thoughts.

"Zone out."

I chucked, "yeah I do. Sorry, where were we?"

"You were saying you don't like vampires."

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