Goodbye,But Forever?

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Sorry, not proofread. Enjoy :)

"Do you really have to go?" Jen asked as I pulled away from our hug.

I nodded. "Everything has to come to an end sometime, Jen." I told her with a small hug.

"I know, I just got used to having an older sister around the house. I'm really going to miss you Tia." Jen said sadly.

"I'm going to miss you too Jen, all of you." I said looking at Jason, Jen and Mrs Anderson.

I swallowed and felt that annoying lump in my throat whenever I felt myself on the verge of tears. I promised myself to not tear up; I was terrible at goodbyes but equally terrible at keeping my emotions hidden.

"Bye sweetie, have a safe flight and feel free to come visit anytime, that house is as good as yours." Mrs Anderson said pulling me into a tight hug.

"Thank you." I smiled.

After another hug from Jen, she and Mrs Anderson walked off somewhere leaving only me and Jason.

Jason grinned and wrapped his arms around me. "I'm really going to miss having a Miss Australia around." He teased when we pulled away from the hug.

I chuckled. "And I'm going to miss having a Mr America."

"You sure you're ready to go?" Jason asked seriously.

"Yeah, I had to go home eventually."

"No I mean with everything's that happened, are you sure you're happy with the way you left things?"

Jason knew that I had called it quits with Riccardo, he didn't ask why or for any reasons he just understood it as my decision and left it like that. I was glad he didn't ask any questions because the less he knew the better it was for him. As for Riccardo, he respected my decision and I never heard from him since the time we talked at the park.

I looked at the bracelet Riccardo gifted me on my wrist and nodded. "Yeah, it's for the best." I mumbled.

Jason looked at me for a few long seconds before he nodded in understanding and flashed a smile. "Okay, I respect your decision and as a friend all I want is your happiness Tia."

"Thanks Jason, for everything. I don't know how I would've survived on this foreign land if you weren't there. You've been a great friend and I will truly miss you." I told him and leaned in for another hug.

"Don't go all emotional on me now." he teased and chuckled, "I'm not a pretty sight in tears."

"That would be a good departure gift; I could say I got Jason Anderson to cry." I grinned.

"Tia honey, it's time for you to check in." Mrs Anderson came back and said.

"Right." I took in a deep breath. "This is it then. Goodbye, I hope to see you all soon." I gave them all one last hug.

I thanked Mrs Anderson for letting me stay at her place and thanked Jen for being so nice to me. "You bet I'll be seeing you soon." Jason grinned when it was his turn to hug me again.

"Tell your pretty friend I said hi." Jason smirked before I waved one last time and walked off.

After handing in whatever I needed and got my luggage checked in, I sat on one of the chairs waiting for a call so I could board my plane. I couldn't believe that almost one month ago I was in the same position, only I was getting ready to leave Australia and excited to come here, to America.

So much had happened here that I still couldn't believe any of it, I was leaving with so many good memories. My friendship with Jen, Jason, Emma and Gabriella, my love-hate relationship with Riccardo, I laughed thinking of the many fights we got into and the time I thought he was going to kill me. If only I then knew that all that hate would grow into a strong attraction and I would feel so deeply for him, he was the one person I thought I could have a future with.

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