Soulmate Stalker

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I paced back and forth like a crazy person in my room thinking over the past two weeks since I got back or more specifically since two days after I arrived. I shook my head, no, I wasn't like a crazy person I was official gone crazy.

It was impossible but after what I saw or thought I saw at the mall, my graduation and even in Paige's driveway it seemed pretty possible, either that or I was hallucinating. He couldn't be here, not when he was supposed to be thousands of miles away, not when he basically vowed to stay away from me. But if all that was true then why was I seeing him everywhere, why did I feel his presence around me, why did I get the feeling that someone was watching my every step?

The weirdest thing of this all was that I wasn't scared or freaked out that I was possibly losing my mind, I felt safe and at ease with the thought that I could possibly have someone watching my every move.

Why? Why did I feel that way? I had no idea but it probably had to do with that fact that I wanted it to be him. No matter how much I tried to convince myself that I could get over him, it was futile because not a second went by without having him on my mind.

I'd also realized something that changed everything I ever thought of him, every logical thought I've ever had disappeared the moment realization dawned over.

I knew these thoughts were futile and nothing but hopeful thinking. I hadn't heard from him all this while and I was certain that he'd forgotten all about me and was going on with his life, I was probably a phase he went through, nothing but an infatuation. He was way too good for ordinary me.

I took in a deep breath, letting the night cool air from my open window fill my lungs. Air was what I needed to get rid of all these useless thoughts and hopes. I have officially lost my mind.

"It's at these times I wish you didn't have that damn bracelet on." My heart lurched against my ribcage as I heard his voice.

I froze, too scared to even breathe. I closed my eyes thinking that maybe I was in a dream or was hearing things.

After a long few minutes I gathered the courage to open my eyes, I at snail like pace lifted my eyelids to only think I was dreaming. I reached out and placed my hand on his cheek to feel his soft, cold skin against my palm. I felt those feelings again those exact feelings, as if I was in America again and standing opposite the arrogant stranger who very rudely bumped into me, the same feelings I got every time our skin got into contact. If my heart was frantic and my breathing uneven, it meant one thing, it meant that I wasn't dreaming or hallucinating. It was all true and he was right here in front of me. I wanted to say so many things but I couldn't, all I did was stare wide eyed at the beautiful creature that stood before me.

I eventually opened my mouth to speak but when I tried nothing came out so I closed my mouth, took in a deep breath and tried again but this time the only thing that came out of my mouth was a whisper.


**Two weeks earlier**

"I was thinking maybe lime green or a pastel pink. Yeah that would be great; you know it will compliment my pale skin."

"And for you I was thinking a bolder colour you know, something like a red or royal blue."

"Ooh I like royal blue, it would gorgeous on you don't you think? Yeah I can see it now; I can't believe I've never seen you for a royal blue type of person. That's it; we are looking for a royal blue dress for you."

"Do you agree?"


"Okay I'm pregnant and Jai's the father."

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