Family Matters Part One

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Riccardo moved to step forward but immediately stopped when William's hold on me tightened and he moved the stake closer to my throat.

"Move one more time and I will not hesitate for even a second to move this stake further down and stab it straight through her heart." William warned.

Riccardo's panicked eyes moved to me and I blinked, reassuring him that I was fine, well for now anyway. "What does Tia have to do with this?" Riccardo asked coolly.

"Everything." William said. "The day you stepped into her life, she became my target because brother, everything and everyone a part of your life are part of this."

William pulled me closer to him; I felt his breath at the side of my neck and I felt sick, being so closer to him was bad enough and now he was inhaling my scent. "Poor thing." He muttered when he pulled away from my neck and looked back at Riccardo. "If only you'd left her alone, she wouldn't have had to been involved, she could've been a normal girl at home or out with her friends but no, being the selfish bastard you are, you just couldn't stay away from her and now not only you, but her brother and best friend are here to witness all of this."

Riccardo raised his hands in a surrender-like position. "Okay, alright, I'll do whatever you want, give you whatever you want, heck I'll even forget about Tiana, just please let her go. Don't involve her."

"Too late for that Ric, she's already involved. Not only because she's your mate but also because I've taken a liking to her." William said. "Initially I wanted to kill her so you could be miserable for the rest of your life but then I spent some time with her, got to a know her a little and I got to see just how sweet natured and kind she was. I understood what you saw in her, she's like an angel but what I didn't understand was what she saw in you, you were the devil in the disguise of a pretty face and blue eyes. I just couldn't bring myself to kill her so I decided I'd do worse, I'll take her away from you and make her mine."

"Then let go of her, throw away the stake and you can walk out of here unscathed." Riccardo said.

William laughed bitterly. "You think I want to leave? Why would I want to leave when all of this is rightfully mine, if anyone should leave it's you and your pathetic family! This bullshit ball that was thrown in yours and Tia's honor should've been mine and Tiana's. Do you have any idea how I felt every time I had to call you prince? Every time I was obligated to follow your orders like a servant? Every time I had to be an obedient dog and stand with my head low whenever you'd vent out your frustrations on me and yell at me for something that I supposedly did wrong? Do you know how it felt every time Massimo referred to you as his only son? How do you think I felt when you would be engulfed with affection from Massimo and the entire kingdom while I was in the background as a loyal servant's son and your so-called best friend? You were always referred to as the future king, the sole heir of the throne while I just stood idly and watched everyone praise the great Prince Riccardo, I hated you through all of that Riccardo, I wanted to kill you at that moment because you aren't the sole heir! You aren't the only prince! I am, I came first, I was the first prince and I should have first preference to everything that you have!"

"You think I want all of this?" Riccardo asked. "I've never really wanted this William; you of all people should know that. You knew how much I hated growing up in a castle, how much I hated the baggage that was on my shoulders since the day I was born. You know how much I craved freedom and normality in my life."

"Bullshit." William snorted. "There might've been a time you hated all of this but not a damn day went by that you didn't admire your status or enjoy throwing your weight around. You loved being an arrogant douchebag and having authority over everyone! And don't deny it; you know that I'm speaking nothing but the fucking truth!"

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