Giving into Temptation

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Sorry guys I didn't proof read or edit, will edit ASAP! Being busy! Enjoy.

"You know Tia you still haven't told me about you and Riccardo." Jason said casually eating his cereal.

"You've met Riccardo? As in THE Riccardo? The super-hot Riccardo?" Jen exclaimed before I could answer.

That earned her a nasty glare from Jason. "What? I'm just saying his hot, not committing a murder." She said to Jason rolling her eyes.

"Shut up and eat!" Jason said irritated.

"Well you can't deny it, he is hot." I mumbled quietly.

"See! I told you. Every girl in the school thinks so; I mean have you seen his biceps?" Jen said.

"Yeah and his crystal blue eyes, they are the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen." I said more to myself dreamily.

"He's got a hot ass too and..." Jen continued.

"I've heard enough! I'm eating here give me a break!" Jason said scrunching his face looking disgusted.

Jen and I burst out laughing. "Yeah that's what we have to live with whenever a hot girl walks past." Jen said.

"Wow check her ass out, she so hot, I'm getting in her skirt tonight. Blah, blah, blah..." Jen teased Jason in a gruff voice imitating him.

I laughed out loudly, Jason rolled his eyes at both of us and said, "A girls ass is hotter than a guy, a guy is just gross, and hearing you two talk about it makes me wanna throw up."

I rolled my eyes and began eating my cereal again. I was truly nervous for school today, maybe even more than I was on the first day. I wondered how Riccardo would act, how I would act around him. I had been

thinking the whole night if I would be able to keep my promise, would I be able to stay away from Riccardo?

Somehow I was attracted to him, I pined to hear his voice, I wanted to hear him say my name once more from his lips, the way he said my name in the car made my heart do a somersault. God I couldn't help thinking about him, how I would be able to keep my eyes away from him when I was in the same class as him? But I knew I had to, I had promised him and I had to keep my word, my pride was at stake.

Besides all he ever did was play with my emotions, he makes me feel like the most special girl in the world at times and at times he makes me feel like nothing but trash. Nobody has ever hurt my feelings the way he had, and that had me feeling foreign in my own body, it was like I didn't know myself anymore, because the normal me would never feel for an arrogant, cocky, almost heartless jerk who I've just met. It was like my heart was saying something and my head something else.

"Tia!" Jason said loudly snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Hmmm?" I asked.

"Where are you lost? I asked you something?" Jason asked pulling his eyebrows together.

I sighed and said, "Sorry, I tend to do that a lot, daydream."

"So what were you saying?" I asked.

"I said that you haven't told me about Riccardo and you, what's up with the two of you?" he asked.

The question I dreaded had finally come, after avoiding it. I knew that it was coming but I hoped that Jason would forget about and let it be. I was so wrong.

I rested my back against the chair and said, "It's really not much, I bumped into him on my first day outside the school office. I thought he was arrogant because it was his fault that we bumped into each other, and he refused to apologise."

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