Alternate Ending Part 3

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Tom's POV:
I saw the red & blue flashing lights approaching as I was waving my hands in the air as I stood in front of the car Y/N & I were in. They saw us & pulled over knowing it was us. I turned around to let Y/N know that everything is gonna be ok now. I see her head drooped & her eyes closed. I run quickly to the passenger's side & open the door.
T: "y/N?!" I say as a knot forms in my throat not wanting to cry while I'm trying to hold back the tears. "Y/n?!" I say lifting her head & knowing if I let go her head will just drop back down. "No, y/N you-you can't be gone...." I say as tears fall from my eyes. I then try to find a pulse, but I'm unsure if I'm wrong about not feeling one. "HELP! Over here! Hurry! Please!" I yell out as my voice cracks from the knot in my throat from crying out. "Y/N, baby, hold on...please," I cry not giving up on trying to stop the bleeding & trying to wake her up by patting the side of her face. I turn my head around & see the paramedics running over.
P1: "Sir I'm gonna need you to back away so we can see what wounds she has so that we can act accordingly in getting her to the ambulance quickly & safely," he says as he tries to steadily bring me back away from Y/N. He steps in front of me & pulls back the bloodied towel that was pressed up against Y/N's fragile damaged body. He lifts up part of Y/N's blood stained shirt & looks at where she's been stabbed. My face winces at the sight. I turn around feeling sick & disgusted at the sight & throw up.
P2: "You ok sir?!" The other paramedic rushes over to me.
T: "Yah-yah I'm fine don't-" I then throw up again but barely anything comes out since Y/N & I were barely given anything to eat or drink within the days we were kidnapped. I wipe my mouth & stood back up. "Worry about me. Just please..." I say with tears rolling down my eyes. "Save her."
P1: "Will try our best sir," the first paramedic responds from listening in to my conversation with the other paramedic. He then presses back down on the wound. He places his two fingers right where Y/N's pulse should be felt. He turns back around to the other paramedic with a concerned look.
P2: "What is it?!"
P1: "We have to move her now! I barely feel her pulse. It's most likely dropping ever since she passed out." They then quickly but carefully get her out of the car & put her on a stretcher wheeling her to the ambulance. I follow them holding on to Y/N's hand as the push her to the ambulance. 
P1: "Hey help me get her up here would ya?!" He says harshly to the third paramedic so they can get going. They get her up there & hook her up as fast as they can. As they're about to leave & close the doors I try & step up into the ambulance, but they stop me.
P3: "I'm sorry sir. You can't be in here. We need as much room to work before we get to the hospital if you want the slightest chance for her to make it."
T: "Wh-" I didn't even get the words out before they shut the door & started making there way to the hospital. On there way to hopefully save the love of my life's life. I stood there broken-emotionally, physically-unable to comprehend that maybe either decision I made before Brynn left that Y/N's fate potentially wouldn't of changed. That the what if possibility maybe might not change. What if I left & didn't turn back? Would she be alive? But no matter what path I'd take, would mostly like lead to this same point. Brynn taking the one thing, the one life that means the absolute most to me. Y/N. After the ambulance was long gone, one of the officers came up to me.
C1: "I'll drive you to the hospital, but we're still gonna need to here your statement about everything that happened."
T: "I know. Thank you."
C1: "Now let's go so we can get you back to your girl," he gives a weak hopeful smile. We walk to the car & get in. Most of the car ride was silent. He asked about stopping for food since he said it looked like I hadn't eaten anything in the past couple days, but I told him I wanted to get to Y/N as quickly as possible. There was no way I wasn't going to be there for her. We had finally arrived at the hospital. I ran out of the car as quickly as my weak legs could take me into the building up to the second floor not bothering to wait for the elevator. Instead I took the stairs though it took everything in me to get up there. One of the paramedics that helped work on Y/N on the ride to the hospital saw me when I arrived. He knew I hadn't been looked at yet, so they took me back in a room to examine me & to patch up some of the cuts that Y/N tended to maybe just a day or two ago. They then checked all my vital & gave me some fluids since I've barely eaten or drank anything. I was just sitting in my room getting lost in my thoughts until someone knocked on my door.
T: "Come in!" I yell out. The door creaks over giving me flashbacks to the cabin. It was like I was back in the cabin. The similar sound of the creaking door opening sent chills down my spine. Nurse Jade. "How's Y/N? Do you know?" I ask quickly.
J: "Still in surgery, but isn't bout time you got some sleep?" She walks in, taking a seat in the chair next to my bed.
T: "Isn't it bout time you went home & got some sleep yourself?"
J: "I give up," she says throwing her hands up in surrender, "but you really should try & get some sleep Thomas," she says, & I flinch at her calling me Thomas. The name that only Y/N would call me. The name I hated so much but grew to love because Y/N called me that. What if I never get to hear her call me that again? It would be all my fault. This is all my fault. The memory of her screams fill my mind from the pain I've caused her. "Are you ok Tom?" Jade asks concerned. I look up from my daze as my hand felt my heart racing. I wiped the sweat off my forehead. Why am I sweating? Why does my chest hurt? Why is my heart racing? "Tom?!" She snaps me out of my trance again.
T: "Huh?!" Her eyes widen wanting me to explain what just happened. "I'm worried about...about," my breathing then starts to speed up, "wh-why hot" I cough, "&-& hard," I take a deep breath in. Jade then stands up. "For breath," I say grabbing my chest.
J: "Tom, your having a panic attack I'm gonna go get some help," She runs out the door.

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