Chapter 13

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Avilasa's POV:'re probably wondering who this strong, headstrong, sweet, determined & might I add beautiful girl is...but I can't give you my name not quite yet. Of course I've left little bread crumbs along the way where you think you know who I am, but do you have it right? You see on the outside you see this sweet, beautiful, easy going, nice girl, but part of it is a facade I guess you could say. That's one of the reasons why I chose the name Avilasa. It means, a very personal desire & has a wish which is a secret, & that is Tom Holland. How could I not resist those chocolate brown eyes & hair. Though we haven't had a lot of time to hang out & get to know each other I feel like the times I've been around him I feel like I'm in love, but I choose to hide that from others because they'll think I'm crazy for falling so quick but that's love I guess. The reason I joined this "group" or whatever you want to call it is because most of all I want Tom to myself, & Y/N took that from me though she doesn't know it really. Like why does he like her ugh she calls him Thomas which he hates, has never given him a shot, & absolutely dislikes him. That makes no sense. She's not even as pretty as I am, & I hope she's rotting in that cabin & that Tom & Y/N dislike each other more as each day progresses. But I'll solve that situation, whether good or bad, down the road. Honestly I have something up my sleeve that has to deal with both Tom & Y/N which Josh & Carley have no idea about it, & their reaction to it could go either way, & if I don't like it, I'll be sure to take care of it because I always get what I want in the end even if it's not at first.
Carley's POV: (Still at cafe)
C: "So what'd you think about what Avilasa said?" I ask Josh.
J: "Honestly I have no idea. I wish you never brought her in on this."
C: "Well we, mostly me, I guess, didn't know what kind of person she was."
J: "True but we might just have to get rid of her for our own benefit. What do you think?"
C: "It's a possibility we have to consider, but yah I don't know. It could come back & bite us in the butt because who knows what she has up her sleeve. But now that we know what she's demanding, we need to make sure everything is gonna go good & stay good with Tom & Y/N. We don't need anything happening between them-especially them trying to escape."
J: "Especially that, & all of us would be screwed except for maybe Avilasa because they would never suspect who she is, & they would never believe us if we told them."
C: "Very true. Hey since we're talking about it, can you pull up the camera on your phone from the cabin, so we can check on what they've been doing today & make sure they're not trying to escape or doing anything out of the ordinary."
J: "Where do you want me to start the video or rewind it to?"
C: "Go back to when you left, & then slowly fast forward, so it won't take as long." He clicks on the time he left & slowly fast forwards the footage, & so far there seems like noting is out of the ordinary...wait! "Stop it!" I shout out & cover my mouth since we're still in the cafe. "Rewind a little bit," I whisper.
J: "What am I looking for?"
C: "Just wait I'm not sure if I saw something correctly. Just play it normal this time & watch." At first everything is normal. Y/N is just cleaning & stitching up Tom's wounds that Josh caused which he took too far. "Right here!" We both lean in closer to get a better look at what's about to happen. We see Tom pull Y/N closer making her straddle him, & they full on make out for a little while & then pull apart.
J: "What was that?!"
C: "You have got to be kidding me," I whisper to myself. "You have got to be kidding me!" I say harshly through gritted teeth turning my head to look at Josh. "This is your fault."
J: "My fault? You're the one who wanted them in the same room."
C: "And you're the one who beat Tom so hard you untied the both of them, & Y/N had to help him all because of you wanting to get back at Tom. Do you not realize we have the upper hand in all of this. Tom & Y/N can't do anything. They're stuck with us whether they like it or not. So just focus on Y/N & not Tom." We then press play & see Y/N then Tom glance up at the camera. "They know."
J: "That we saw?"
C: "Yep, & we can't let this go without doing something, but we can't do any harm to them or Avilasa we'll be even more mad at us & might add on to her demands. So I'll spare Y/N & not get payback. You're welcome." I say harshly.
J: "Thank you, & I'm sorry."
C: "It's ok. Just know next time something like that happens I won't be as forgiving & will get my payback."
J: "I'll make sure nothing like that ever happens again."
C: "It sure won't. Let's head back before anything else happens. Plus we've been here too long."
J: "What do you have in mind for them when we get back?"
C: "We're gonna separate them so nothing else happens."

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