Chapter 9

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Tom's POV:
I try to take in everything as Josh brings me back to the room. I try to remember where each window & each door are & about how many steps it is from the room he took me into to the place Y/N & I are held. Each door on the way back had one small window to see through & I didn't see Carley in any. That's probably why she didn't run into the room I was in to stop Josh because of my screams & cries for help & for Josh to stop. I could barely move my legs from how weak I was. I hadn't eaten or drank anything as well as Y/N. And being beaten didn't help at all. I knew that once I see Y/N again she's going to be furious at me, but I couldn't let him do that to her, but he just might after all. I got myself beaten for nothing I guess. He opens the door & throws me in like I'm some sort of rag doll not bothering to tie me back up because I definitely can't do anything. Y/N's face drops when she sees me, & right before Josh can slam the door back shut she stops him.
Y/N: "Josh!" She yells to grab his attention. 
J: "I know...I'm tired I'll be back later for you don't worry love." Yah sure like she ever wants that.
Y/N: "Ok...but umm I need to help Thomas. Ok? You don't want Carley to be really upset with you do you?"
J: "ugh!" He groans in frustration. "Fine I'll be back with a first aid kit or whatever I can find." He walks out.
T: "Y/N?" I weakly ask her trying to push myself up.
Y/N: "Tom shh. Just save your energy. I-I can't talk to you right now. I'm so frustrated at you." She says as I can only lift my head up to see her slam her free wrist on the arm chair. Josh walks back in & throws the kit inside & un-cuffs Y/N's right wrist & cuts the ropes.
J: "There you go, & if either of you try anything I'll make what I did to him look like a scratch. Carley & I will be back soon. We'll be gone for a bit but just know...we're watching." He lifts his head towards where the camera is at, & we both look over to see the camera we never noticed before. He then leaves & locks the door leaving Y/N & I to figure out a way to discuss how to get out of here.
Y/N: "Gosh you look so bad." She says coming down to me eyeing what Josh had just done to me: a nice deep gash above my eyebrow, slashes on my back, & some bruising along random parts of my body & a not so deep cut on the side of my stomach. "I need to get you to sit up a little, & I'll drag you to the wall so you can sit up. Ok?" I used all energy in me to sit up as much as possible so she could wrap her arms around me to pull me to sit against the wall.
T: "Gah! Argh!" I groaned & winced in pain.
Y/N: "Shh..shh." She shushes to calm me down. "I got you. I'm gonna patch you up now. You're gonna be ok." I lean me head back against the wall closing my eyes as I hold on to my side. "Tom," she says placing her hand on my cheek caressing it with her thumb. "Just relax now ok? But first I need you to take your shirt off."
T: "Ok..ok" I slowly take off my shirt trying to make sure I don't touch the sore parts of my body or the places that have cuts. "Ah! Y/N can you help me. I can't do it." She then helps me & then starts getting out the right stuff to dress the wounds.
Y/N: "So though you almost got yourself killed, & I'm still very much frustrated at you...did you see or remember anything you saw?"
T: "Uh yah. And I know that wasn't 'the plan'," I emphasize, "but Y/N," I sigh & wince as Y/N was stitching up my stomach.
Y/N: "Sorry. Just be glad I know what I'm doing." I nod.
T: "It's ok just keep going. I'll be fine." She continues, & I clench my fist digging my nails into my fist from the pain. She looks back up at me worried knowing I'm in pain. "I'm fine I'm fine." I say frustrated through gritted teeth. She finishes stitching my side up & then starts cleaning the gash above my eye.
Y/N: "What were you saying?"
T: "I was saying that I had to. There was no way I was gonna let you let him or any guy disrespect you like that!" She stops cleaning the gash on my eyebrow & looks me in the eyes.
Y/N: "I'm seeing another side to you that I never knew you could have." She looks deep in my eyes.
T: "I'm just sorry it took great lengths like this for you to see that."
Y/N: "Me too," she gives a weak smile. She then snaps out of her trance of glancing back & forth from my eyes to my lips. "Um well..I got you all patched up on the front. Let me take a look at the slashes on your back."
T: "Ok do you need me to lay down on my stomach?"
Y/N: "No just scoot forward a little bit & lean forward a tad too."
T: "Ah! Ah!" I wince in pain.
Y/N: "Do you need a minute?"
T: "No I'd rather just get it over with now. Just do whatever needs to be done. Ok?"
Y/N: "Ok..just tell me when to stop or if it gets too much." I just nod. "Thomas oh my gosh! This is so cruel what he did to you. This looks awful." She starts cleaning the marks that were made by Josh on my back & occasionally I would wince & sometimes have to tell her to stop. I let my silent tears fall from the pain as she stitched up the deep cuts.
Y/N: "Ok I'm done you can lean back against the wall now." She helps me lean back against the wall while I sit on the ground.
T: "Thank you," I say weakly. "I don't know how I could get through this without you." I say as she sits next to me facing me though.
Y/N: "I know. I can't get through this without you too. I'm surprised though but in a good way." Her eyes yet again glance from my eyes to my lips as I do the same to her.

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