Chapter 7

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Tom's POV:
My eyes flutter open as I start gaining consciousness back. I feel my body shiver from how cold it is in this cold dark room with only a dimly lit light coming from the ceiling. There were no windows. I feel the tight handcuffs around my wrists of the metal chair as well as the tight rough rope tied around my legs and around my waist. I wince as I regain full consciousness from the major headache I have. I look around and see someone. I think it might be Y/N who's also tied up the same way I am. Who knows how long we've been knocked out for, but the only thing that matters right now is finding a way to escape because this was definitely not part of my plan tonight.
T: "y/n," I whisper yell trying not to speak to loudly, but unfortunately she's on the other side of the room. She doesn't wake up still. Her head is hung low. "Y/N," I say a little louder and look to my left to make sure no one comes through the door. I see her body stir, and I can hear a faint mumble fall from her lips either from the pain or trying to say something. "Psst," I say, and her body stirs as she becomes more aware and conscious. She slowly lifts her head and opens her eyes to the dimly lit room. She's confused and scared as she doesn't know where she's at. She pulls and struggles in her restraints squirming in her chair.
T: "y/n," I whisper yell again finally getting her attention.
Y/N: "tom? Is that you?" She says as her voice trembles.
T: "Yeah it is. Are you okay?"
Y/N: "Um-um I-um. Oh my gosh Tom i-" she says frantically.
T: "Y/N calm down okay. We need to stay calm."
Y/N: "How can I calm down Thomas," she asks in a harsh tone. "I'm tied to a chair as are you in a cold dark room, and-and we have no idea where we're at or-or what day it is. What if our friends don't know if we're missing."
T: "Don't worry Y/N we're both gonna get out of here."
Y/N: "Not if your psycho ex makes sure we don't."
T: "Well we're not gonna get out of here if we bicker the whole time, so we've got to put out differences aside."
Y/N: "You're right." That's the only time I'll ever hear her say that. "My head and face hurts really bad does yours," she scrunches her face.
T: "I have a headache, but I didn't get punched so." She glares at me, but I didn't mean for it to come off that way. "Sorry." Suddenly we hear a clicking of heals walk to the door and stop and hear the fumbling of keys trying to find the right one to open the door to this 'prison.'
C: "Well, well, well, so glad you could both make it." She says with a big smile on her face as she walks into the room and turns on the lights fully now. She then closes the door back.
T: "What do you want?" I say through gritted teeth as I'm pulling at the restraints on my wrist.
C: "Oh someone's eager aren't we Tommy? Well," she says pacing right between Y/N and I glancing back and forth. "A friend and I were talking, and we realized there's something missing in our lives that was taken from us by the both of you," Y/N interrupts her.
Y/N: "Taken? What would I want that you had?" Y/N scoffs and I sit there in confusion.
C: "I would watch your tone little miss." She walks over in front of Y/N and grabs her jaw with her right hand making Y/N look up at her. "My partner is already mad at me for punching you. You wouldn't want him to get more mad at me would you?" Him? Who's that? "Because you don't belong to me."
Y/N: "And who the hell do I belong to," I can sense a rush of worry come over Y/N. As on cue, the metal door opens revealing who else was there when Y/N and I were taken. Josh.
Y/N+T: "Josh?!" I'm not that surprised, but I never though he would do something like this. Never thought he'd even try to come back into Y/N's life.
J: "Tom ole pal," he says walking over to me. "I see the tables have turned," he gives a cocky smile. "Me getting what I want and taking back what you wanted but could never get."
Y/N: "Josh? What are you talking about? This isn't you!" She says confused and narrows her eyes at him and then looks over at me.
J: "Oh did Thomas over here never tell you why I really left." He point at me, and Y/N shakes her head. "Well Thomas over here threatened me and my career and then proceeded to beat me up." I chuckle a little bit though I know I shouldn't. "What? You think that's funny?" He says coming closer to me "...well this is payback." He then punches me right in the face.
Y/N: "Josh no!!" She yells at him while pulling at the cuffs around her wrists.
C: "Oh sit back dear," she pushes Y/N back against the back of her chair. "Josh is just getting his pay back for both things." Josh then punches me again but harder this time. I groan from the pain. "That's enough Josh," she says pulling back his arm before he can hit me again.
Y/N: "Josh?" She asks scared. "Let me go, let us go. You could've just talked to me."
J: "Ah ah ah it never was gonna be that easy was it, Thomas?" He says to me as my head hangs low as my eyes are barely able to stay open. "Answer me!" He yells at me and pulls at my hair making me look up.
T: "No," I wince and reply through gritted teeth.
J: "And why is that? Huh?" He asks knowing he already knew the answer, and Y/N looks at me confused.
T: "Because...because I like you Y/N," I say as a tears well up in my eye. "That's why I drove all those guys away from you Y/N," my voice getting louder. "Because of guys like Josh who abuse you, but I care about you. I care about protecting you from douches like him!" I get punched again harder this time and blood comes out this time from my busted lip.

Y/N's POV:
Y/N: "Stop hitting him!" Josh raises his arm again, but before it goes even farther, Carley stops him.
C: "That's enough Josh." She says harshly. "I would like my man to be in one piece."
Y/N+T: "Your man?" We both ask disgusted by her comment.
C: "Yes. My man. Haven't you already figured it out or have our comments about what's going on not gone through?" I just keep my mouth shut and glare at her frustratedly. "Cheer up loves. This is a win win for everyone."
T: "Ha, win win? You're holding us against our will."
C: "True," She paces in front of us. "But you see you and Y/N won and escaped in time in the escape room, and your prize is!" She says excitedly which both of us don't seem amused. "So Tom gets back what he had..him and I get back together, and Josh can get back together with you. See," I tilt my head. "It's a win win for all of us."
J: "And this time Thomas," he says walking over to me as his eyes are on Thomas, "you can't do anything about it." Josh smirks and then kisses me on the lips.
C+J: "You're ours now." They both say in sync which is creepy as they slam the metal door shut.

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