Chapter 8

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Y/N's POV:
So many emotions are coursing through my veins right now: fear I might not get out of here alive, angry that myself and Tom are held captive by our psycho exes, and confused about why Tom ruined all of my past relationships. We sat in silence for a couple of minutes after Josh and Carley left. I decided it was finally time to break the silence.
Y/N: "Is it true Thomas?" I say looking at him.
T: "Is what true?" He asks as he lifts his head up to look at me with his freshly bruised face.
Y/N: "Why you did what you did?"
T: "It is true Y/N. I did all of that so many times because I wanted to protect you, and I care for you because I like you-I genuinely really like you."
Y/N: "Even after all we've been through and how we get on each other's nerves? Also even after I call you Thomas all the time?"
T: "Yep," he nods his head as a weak chuckle escapes his lips. "This, or whatever day this is, was the night I was suppose to tell you all of that in hope that we could grow closer. I wanted to fix things and make them right."
Y/N: "I'm sorry."
T: "Sorry for what?" He asked really unsure of what I was sorry for.
Y/N: "For always thinking you just ran them off because you didn't want me to be happy or just to be mean. And maybe I thought it was a game to you."
T: "Happy? Y/N all the boyfriends you've had were all abusive. I apologize for making you feel that way. It was never ever a game to me. I want you to be happy. Just with a good guy."
Y/N: "I know," a tear runs down my slightly swollen face. "But I thought no one else would like me, but they weren't always like that. I never would've thought I'd be here." I say raising my wrist showing the cuffs.
T: "This is all my fault Y/N," he says as his voice trembles. "If I-"
Y/N: "Thomas who knows what would've happened to me down the road with Josh even though we're here, but you did the right thing. I finally see that though it backfired, and didn't happen in the way you intended. We're gonna get out of here-the both of us. Alive." I didn't know what to think about Thomas. Knowing the reason why he did all of it made realize someone does care for me. Now I know Thomas did those things, so I wouldn't get hurt, and I deserve a lot more than I think I deserve. I can't focus on what I'm feeling about him right now though. We just need to start making a plan for a way to get out of here.
Y/N: "Do you have any ideas on how we can get out of here?"
T: "I have no clue which scares me." He sighs.
Y/N: "Me too, but maybe something will happen to let us see what's beyond this room." I say and then raise my eyebrow getting an idea.
T: "No...Y/N don't do anything stupid," he says as he studies me knowing there's a plan forming in my head. He's known me for long enough I would do anything for my friends. "We both need to get out of here alive. Remember?" I just ignore what he says and try to figure out a plan for me to get out of this room. "Y/N!" He whisper yells frustrated at me.
Y/N: "What?! I have a plan."
T: "And what is that?"
Y/N: "To play with his feelings so that I can get out of this room."
T: "Y/N no! I'm not gonna let him force you to do anything you don't want to do." I hear how much he cares, and I admire that, but I have to do this.
Y/N: "Tom I'll be fine. This is the only thing I can think of that'll get us, or at least me for the time being out of this room." Before Thomas can get another word in, Josh walks in with a cocky smile and strut. Now it's time to put this plan into motion.
J: "How's everyone doing?" I see Thomas roll his eyes at Josh's casualness of the question. How are we doing? Just peachy thanks. I have to get out of here to see what's beyond these doors. The only way to do that is to play with Josh's feelings.
Y/N: "Josh?" I ask innocently and flutter my eyelashes.
J: "Yes darling," I can't see Thomas right now since Josh walks over to me, but I bet he's trying not to gag. "What is it darling?" He asks grabbing a hold of my hand gently.
Y/N: "I-I've been thinking and umm..." I think for a second looking off to the side. This is painful for me. "I really want to be with you. I want you as much as you want me." I say looking into his eyes now trying to say as seductively as I can without trying to gag myself. I think this is more painful than getting punched.
J: "Really?!" He asks excited, and I just nod and bite my lip. It's working. He leans in and kisses me passionately, so of course I have to kiss back so that my plan works. He then moves from my mouth down to my neck already making sure to leave marks, and I have to let him. He then start to slide his hand up my shirt.
T: "Get your slimy mouth and hands off of her!" Tom yells at Josh. This is definitely not the plan. He then pulls back with an angry look that has suddenly appeared on his face.
J: "Shut up! She wants me not you!" He glares at Tom and then looks back at me. "Let's get you out of these and go to another room huh?" He asks with a smirk on his face and starts to un-cuffs my left hand. As he's about to do the other, he places his hand on my thigh slowly moving it up.
T: "I said get your hands off of her!" He pulls at his restraints wanting to go over and stop Josh from going any farther.
J: "And I said to shut the hell up!!" Josh yells as he starts to march over to Thomas with his fist clenched.
Y/N: "Josh No!" He stops for a second hesitating.
T: "She doesn't want you!" He said through gritted teeth.
Y/N: "What?! No Josh he's lying I do want you!" What is this damn idiot doing!
T: "She could never love you!" Why is he so stubborn?! Ugh.
J: "Shut up both of you!!!" He yells throwing his hands in the air silencing us. You could feel his blood boiling from all the tension in the room which was terrifying. "You!" He says harshly turning his head and pointing at Thomas "will be punished for your actions! I've been waiting for some more payback." He then slowly turns to me walking over so that he's knelt down in front of me. "I'll be back for you, so we can finish what we started." He kisses me, and I try to hold back the tears to show I do want this because we need to get out of here. He then walks back over to Thomas to untie him.
J: "If you try anything Carley won't be too happy with me hurting you even more. You got it?!" He says harshly. He then drags Thomas out with him shuffling his feet because we've been sitting here for so long.
Y/N: "Josh don't do this." I say softly. "Please! Thomas why?!" The door then slams shut. I couldn't stop them. Nothing could stop what Josh was going to do. No one was going to stop Josh unless he was dead. I squirm in my restraints frustrated at Thomas for doing what he did because now he's gonna get hurt, and the fact that it should be me taking on that instead of him though it would've been different. After realizing this is never gonna work of pulling against the other restraint, I lean back against the chair and laid my head back against the wall closing my eyes to let all the tears out I've been holding in.

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