Error, File Not Found

Start from the beginning

Records of everything, no matter what where always kept, similar to how a scientist would put a simple slash through his data instead of scribbling it out from eyesite forever.

Even what was initially considered wrong could end up being right in the future, helpful to a new developing persona change or criminal activity.

So when he backed out of her file and used his old password from months ago to enter the cloud full of 'deleted information', his eyes only narrowed even more.

''Midoriya' he typed, watching as the screen turned up blank.

'[f/n]' ErRoR ErRoR, cOrRuPtIoN dEtEcTeD

"Fuck." He cursed to himself and restarted the computer, hastily grabbing the files resting on the counter before he started his sprint to his car. He didn't really know what was making him run so hastily over what could possibly be nothing, but one thought kept ringing through his subconscious; and he knew himself well that if he didn't check up on her right now there was definitely no way he was sleeping.

Either she was a danger to those kids, or she was in danger herself.




"I'm sorry, but she clocked off from her shift hours ago." The bright haired receptionist apologized with a frown, her matching blue eyes remorseful as she shared the information with the dark haired hero.

"What time did she get off?" He questioned, watching as she gave a tiny hum and scrolled through the computer.

The hospital's interior was lively despite the ghost town outside, the bright fluorescent lights and huddled figures sitting in chairs catching his eye as he surveyed his surroundings. The sound of phones ringing and crying echoed in the hallways, coughing and snoring along with the occasional beep making him frown in annoyance. The overwhelming smell of antiseptic made his nose scrunch with disgust.

He hated hospitals, and this one was no exception.

"Hm, she got off at 6pm, had to pick up her kids from a friends house. She should be here tomorrow at 5am sharp though! I'm sorry I couldn't be of more help!" She gave him a quick bow and smiled, her eyes sparkling as she eyed him up and down.

"Sorry again, but it's been an honor to meet you in person, EraserHead!" She blushed with a bashful grin, her eyelashes batting as her charming blue orbs met his dark ones.

"Hm. You were plenty helpful, thankyou for your time." He ignored her praise completely and turned around, walking back towards the parking lot with a frown etching his face. He could feel the eyes of the receptionist burning into his back, and it wasn't until he got further outside into the parking lot that he could shake off the sensation.

"Well that's just great." He tsked, pulling out Midoriya's file out once more, reading the brief paragraph and lines of information present. He leaned against the hood of his car, his mind reeling as he thought of the blue haired receptionist.

It was rather odd that she knew his hero identity, considering his civilian attire and and reputation. Furthermore he specifically remembered All Might praising her for how late she would stay on weekdays, his annoying lovesick expression peeving him off slightly as he rambled about how she needed to get more sleep. Did something important come up? Did she suddenly switch schedules? Was she lying to the number one hero so he would see her in a better light? The latter seemed the most likely, and with that thought he realized that it was probably the case. But then again....

He still couldn't shake off the unease of the receptionist. His gut was screaming at him to look into this further, and unfortunately in situations like this, he always tended to be right. He was so lost in thought that he almost missed the pink haired doctor hurry quickly from the side door he was parked next to.

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