"No daddy he's right! If you love someone you can never let them go!" Kurogiri smirked as he let his hold on his daughter loosen, watching as her eyes lit up with surprise and betrayal as he let her drop. However, right before she landed on the floor he swooped her back up. She gave out a tiny wheeze, her eyes still wide as she looked at him dumbfoundedly.

"No Himiko. Love is all about letting the one you love go. It's only love when if you free them they come back."

"Does that mean you love me!" She squeaked, referring to him catching her right before she fell just moments prior. He flicked her forhead gently, causing her to pout while he smirked.

"Your smart, Himiko. Must I spell everything out for you just to reassure you? Trust in your own abilities." He let out a strangled choke as the kid acted as a boa constrictor, tightening her hug around his neck while she nuzzled into him, little hearts practically flying around her as she giggled with a red face.

"I LOVE YOU TOO DADDY!" She shouted with glee, while he just rolled his eyes with a tiny smile, patting her head affectionately.

"Aw, who knew the big bad portal could be so soft~" Itsuki teased, a smirk finding way to his face as he watched them interact with one another. But while he found it incredibly amusing, he also felt...


"Judging from that look you have no idea, do you?" Kurogiri gave a sadistic smile of his own, finally bringing his bright yellow eyes to look at dark green. Itsuki wasted no time in using is evolved quirk, sending the feelings of anguish and guilt to Kurogiri in order to finally learn more about his beloved.

"Where. Is. she?" He smiled sweetly, his tone which still carried the sweetness and lightness of a song bird was now dripping with undertones of poisonous venom, his dark green eyes seemingly darker as the very air around him grew cold.

"Oh, now I get it!" Toga laughed with a smile, relishing in the mans incredibly dangerous aura. Who knew someone who looked so initially soft could project such a thing? When Himiko felt the slight tremble of her dad her laughed ceased and her eyes widened in fear.

"Dad?" He smiled down at her, easing her worries before he brought his eyes back on the greenette that was looking at him in shock.

"Hm, it really does seem like you have no idea. You have much to learn about things around here Takashi-san. We're a long way from your district, and things are a lot different around here."

"I don't understand, why didn't-" Itsuki's sharp eyes quickly answered the question for himself, the smokey illusion in Kurogiri's yellow hues causing him to frown.

"While you can now use your quirk without physical touch but through eye contact, you were not making it with me, rather looking through my eyes. Who would have thought my own quirk would benefit me from anything but portals, hm?" He grinned at the green haired male, enjoying how his eyes only seemed to furrow even more at his answer.

"That's not true. Your eyes didn't change until after your daughter called out to you. I could feel I had you in my grasps, but for some reason I couldn't fully engulf you. Why?"

"Like I said before Takashi-san, you have a lot to learn. Perhaps even about yourself."

"Uwaaa Dad is so cool!" Toga squeaked as she started to pinch and tug his cheek, causing the purple haired man to sigh. He flicked her forehead once more, causing her to gasp, big fake watery tears streaming down her face.

"How could you do that!" She squeaked, her eyes narrowing as she brought her own hand to his forehead and flicked it with full force.




"..OOOOOOWW! OW OW OW!" She held the tip of her stinging finger up to her chest, her previously fake tears melding with real ones from pain. "That was mean daddy!"

"Mean? You were the one who tried to hurt me kid."

"Well you didn't have to have such a hard head!" She pouted. However, moments after her eyes lit up with an idea, a grin now decorating her face as she wiped away her tears with her sleeves.

"Kiss it better!" She demanded, holding out her pointer finger that was now slightly red. Kurogiri looked at her tiredly, but relented, and brought a gentle kiss to her fingertip that made her flush red.

"Yay!" She cheered as she engulfed him in another hug, all previous anger towards him washed away with the single action.

"Well, I think It's time I leave." Itsuki nodded to Kurogiri as he stood up from his bar stool, pulling out some money for the drinks he had consumed.

"Itsuki." Kurogiri called out, causing him to pause as he walked away. He didn't turn around to look at him, keeping his eyes on the exit.

"I know that deep down, you do love her. And hell, maybe she does feel the same. But you know what our mission priorities are... and even still... she is a mother." Kurogiri didn't miss the way he trembled with surprise, and before he could question him he continued.

"Once our mission is complete so will end our alliance. However, If I find out that something bad happens to her or her children from your part..." His eyes narrowed dangerously, a darkness exploding from his being and filling the whole room with a suffocating threat.

"Consider me the first enemy you'll make."

"Is that a threat, Kurogiri-san?" Itsuki still made no move to face him, and his voice was back to that precious light and upbeat tone he normally carried. He pushed the glass door open but paused once more, finally allowing one dark green hue to meet with yellow for a last time.

"If I didn't know any better I'd say you had a little crush on her yourself, despite only seeing her once."

"You speak lies yet your eyes speak truth. Whichever you decide to believe, know that I won't waver. And know this, many villains around here share a similar code.

No one hurts Angel Tears."

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