Chapter.10 MEMORIES

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Jungkook's pov...

I left for paris with jimin hyung, it was casual for me to cross all the security at the airport as jerry made it all possible, it took the shortcut and went on the runway directly while i was clearing the securities.

I told him the flight number and instructed him to meet me in first class. I was dead sure it can make its way through the things without anyone noticing. As it is the the genius creativity of my beautiful's mind.

I was thinking about her the whole time. I was with hyung but still lost in my thoughts. If not for jerry i would have never known these many facts about her.
I was so impressed by her smart mind.

She even converted my phone into a tracking device.

I still remember when she caught cold.
It was very difficult for me to just convince her that there are things called bacteria and viruses which just make you fell ill. I was amazed how she never fell ill in her god damn life.

Well who gets sick in a 10x10 room where no-one is allowed to visit. Not even a fly.

She even made many instruments to measure heartbeats, the brain mapping, retina unlocking are the technologies provided by PRO GROSS inc. to the world and she was the one who made them into microscopic things so that they can be used in mobiles as parts.

I read an article that Recently her brother came up with a idea of folded phone like it can fold like old flip phones.
She even was working on a technology to fold the phone in the size of a 3inch pen, So that it can be carried anywhere and some sort of anti-theft and anti-steal technology.

She told me there was a transmitter in her hands and it was fitted when she was 5yrs old, her brother thinks that she dont know about it but she knew it from the start and she set her precise location in my maps application.

Remembering what she said I asked jerry whispering," hey why cant i get her precise location on this app."

It whispers back," maybe the transmitter is taken out of her body or maybe you are oceans apart thats why you golden dumbass maknae."

I look at it glaring.


Jinni was sulking on me from past 3hours throwing her legs and hands in air," i want to go shopping!!"

I ask her with a pack of churritos in my hands ,"you are not that acquaint of going out alone yet."

She was fuming at me," no, but i still want to go!!"

I tried to feed her but she denied the food, if she denies food means its a serious matter.

I look at her, defeating i gave her 30,000 won and a list of groceries to bring and told her to take the first right, then left and then take a left again and repeated again and again that Walmart is the place she needs to go.

She went all excited jumping, i thought of sending jerry but she already denied anyone to come. So i was left with no choice but to wait what has to come.

" i just hope she come in a single piece without any scandals." Huffing i sighed and dropped on the nearest couch.

Janette's POV...

Atlast he agreed to let me go on my own.
I liked the night. If not for his denial i could have gone at right time. Its already past 8

It was 8pm only and there were so many lights in the sky, he used to call them stars but i call them satellites.

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