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Between what I need
and what it is I want
goes way beyond
the bittersweet.
Where brightness
makes creativeness
that expressed truthiness
something that brings life out in me.
Yet what I see
-isn't what others see,
and what I need,
so many already have.
What I write comes from deep within,
when I sleep my dark side creeps
to give me darken dreams-
by day I get visions of true dismay
but, the one thing that is in between
the darkness and the light
are my spirit and faith
That keeps me always writing out
what it is I see and bleed.
When I think I am almost done
here I go back on the run
in a world among the ruins
that leaves me feeling wounded
- and so very lost.
By the time I think I'm in the clear
here come the tears
that last out many long years
-and the memories start to pour,
that sings to my broken soul.
I tried so hard to let all this pain go
but it is hard when that's all I know
because I come from
what is already broken?
I know my past is already written
and I maybe am forgiven-
but what I do write is what I bleed,
because the ink is apart of me.
My pains are real
-and what I write, bleeds upon paper,
pours out like rain
that makes the ink pen bleed like me.
because it is the blood of me
that everyone wants to read,
I hear the cries coming from deep within
where my tears fall like the rain
bring on the pains.

-Judy Emery © 1980 The Queen Of Darken Dreams Poetic Lilly Emery.

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