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In a darkened room, I feel so abandon, it is so cold and I am so very alone, who will ever hear my cries, and who will ever care too? I feel so  confused with so much on my mind, where images dance around in my head, remembering all the words that was sad, it almost made me mad, but it would lead me to my death bed, time is really all I have in this darken life. My soul is absorbing all this darkness that stands around me, all I hear are the lies where the innocent cries day and night. Lies are always knocking at the door, cutting deeper in the core of the heart, the wounds are always open, the bleed is always spilling, while the evil goes around killing. As these old pains become newer ones, mixing around with the older ones, until you don't know which one hurts more.Deep within my mind, I have to relive all of this mess, I have to be able to help others not to fall in the same trap as I did.

My heart is so shattered, it has broken into billions of pieces, it was like glass from my  broken past, every time I hear his voice, I get so mad, it always leaves me in a place of sadness. the voice that runs into the dark, made way into my heart, his eyes remains so very cold, he stand around so bold, the only love he known is betrayal. He would tell me how his innocence's was taken from him when he was a child, and every time he thinks about it, it makes him so wild, then again for just a moment I would see a child crying for help, a child he never got to be. Then he looks at me , and he sees I know his story all to well, maybe that is why he gives me a life of hell?

Life is always so cold to me, because everyone is always so mean, my mind traces back in time, looking for something kind. But all I can see, or feel is the pains that rains down on me, I hear those demands that come from the fallen of angels, in the silent of the night the chains wriggles, Oh, how the innocent cries right along with me, they are being cut so deep, leaving them weeping, as they pray for peace, Oh, dear God let them receive your grace, and help them get out of this place. In this cold darken room, I hear others cry behind the gray brick walls, and others are screaming down the halls. Judgment will soon come to those that are abusing and using the innocent.

When I see this beast walking over to me, he acts so bad, but in his eyes I see something else,  all that he does is a show of his hardness, but something deep within is a place of his innocence that he keeps up a wall, so no one or thing could hurt him ever again. He takes my hand and puts it over my mouth, and tell me no matter the pain, don't shout out loud, he looks at me, and I look back at him, and he is trying to tell me something, and what I could see inside of his  cold mind are the pains of his life as a child,in this darken storm of long ago, made him wild. I look around to see where this is going, why is he showing me all these things? Is he playing games on my  innocence ? soon in the quiet of the night while the beast is  keeping his eyes on mine, I start to hear a voice coming from out of this darkness , out from this place I call darken dreams, where I always hear the innocent scream. Soon I awake , but my body is left in so much pain, and who woke me from this dream?

-Judy Emery © 1980 The Queen Of Darken Dreams Poetic Lilly Emery.

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