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O, Time! Where are your manners? Look at what you have done! All that was once full of life and hunger for true love, you have darkened all that was once beautiful to the eyes. You call yourself
the king of all things even in darken dreams; As for time,-you  have been playing the same old games, playing on all human's minds day and night. You have the power to govern and to be called their "Dark Lord" to the lost and needy, you're so greedy. You hunger for the right phrase to write down your master plan, to give authority to all who dreams for better days. You made all
the reigns of life a playground; a place you could cast your evil spell, a place called a living Hell. All your shame and blames you put into the minds, day and night. You love to see the purity of
what is good turn into a place of dust. What was once was called love, you turned into lust.
You have darkened the minds that once loved all that is true, Yet, you also know you could never take all that is good away. Time is all you have to master your plans, But the good and pure will always stand. You have made so many stumble and fall, Yet, the love of true sovereignty that unifies will never die. Although you cast your spell on me and made me weak, my heart still belongs to--- (HE) the one who made all things. In my darken dreams I always hear the screams, I cried along with them, yet they never have known what was really going on, they may have known more then I think, some have been hearing way before my time. You Dark Angel has broken my wings and colored them black, you had made your traps yet, I do fight back, but you don't like that! You call me your queen in darken dreams, where so many bow down calling my name out loud, this hurts me so badly because they don't know who I really am.
I am in a place I never wanted to be, but this is the testing of what I am and I must write all that I see and dream, no matter if it makes me bleed. But this I should let others know, I am not to be worshiped, I hold no glory, only HE, who made all things. And for the one they call Dark Lord, he knows his time will soon be up, so, he is trying so hard to take down as many as he can before it all comes to the final end.

-Judy Emery © 1984 The Queen Of Darken Dreams Poetic Lilly Emery

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