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How do you walk away from someone you love?
One dark night my love took a flight
I watched as his love walked start out of my heart
I don't really know what made my heart run so cold
But his love was getting old.
The light of his love turned to a cold black night
But inside me I know I must never look back on what
We once had the times we've loved the times you've left
My heart so said
But it's my mind of the past I must learn to trust and see
All the rad flags We have shared so much together.
Laughter fun times tears
But all that is dead and gone a
now you put my heart on the run
We must walk away allow ourselves to heal from the pain.
I know one day you will be happy soul mate you will find
A car radio blasts -
A song of our past Love Oh careless love I hear my ill-spirit
Sob in each blood cell.
As if my heart were at my throat
I myself is hurting like hell
May life be gentle with you
May God's best come your way
And on some quiet tomorrow
You will realize things were better this way.

- Judy Emery © 1988The Queen Of Darken Dreams Poetic Lilly Emery

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