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Oh, how my heart was flung into deep sadness,
I had a phrase to my every thought of madness;
as the mounts are at its emotional fall-
my heart is fully shattered,
leaving me filling battered
But does it really matter?

Oh, I looked all around me
and all I see is my enemies scrutinizing
as my tears fall hard upon the desert grounds,
Yet, I made my rounds-
looking at all those shameful eyes
that told so many lies.

The pain of their hate and jealousy
is like a razor to the heart
they didn't care what I was feeling
they loved to see me weep
bled out upon that Texas land
making me feel I was a stranger
yet, my names is on the papers.

Where my son was laid to rest
my heart will never be the same,
it was like acid stained all over the place
damped with so much fake love
I felt awful around what is unlawful.
That is still a dark mystery
of what really happened to my son.

Oh, you faithful witnesses
with those beautiful angel eyes -
You have seen it all and one day you will share
what is written about all that is being hidden
in the viewing of a dark storm-
where the ashes are always being burned
in my heart for my beloved son.

- Judy Emery © 2018
The Queen Of Darken Dreams Poetic Lilly Emery

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