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I most certainly believe love is the key,
and love is the magic that forever lives,
no matter alive or dead.

I will do my very best to write out my famous lines
that run tender in the hearts of many.
I am concerned about all those who are lost in the dark,
they rank in the pain of darken dreams.

I can still hear the agony of those painful screams.
The wind that keeps calling out to me
in the silence, means I have surely fallen into a deep sleep.
Soon, I will see him again, haunting me.

I am the one that has never truly known love
and if I had and don't remember.
I am a fallen prey to Dark Angel himself.

I had been murdered deep inside and, I am trying
to find where it is I stand. I only know from what
I was once told one's fate could be seen just maybe
in that cloud of gray.

The magic roared into the stormy seas,
where angels fly on high into the midnight sky-
they soon find that true love was always
a very big apart of who they are.

The red-blooded sea
runs very deep in dreams,
yet love is the magic that holds true powers
that could change someone's life forever.

-Judy Emery © 1980 The Queen Of Darken Dreams Poetic Lilly Emery.

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