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In my sleep, I have seen many things
what this old world brings,
there is no light in darken dreams
though it seems
-the words of love are dead.
All I see around me is ashes and bones
while I see and evil beast on his throne
he raised up just to take a look at me
and he acts like he likes what he sees
I think to myself.
every start has and beginning and an ending
But from what I see,
I am in between this old darken dreams
things are never what they seem
If you know what I mean?
then he started talking to me
that's when I looked up at him
saying hang on.
I'm not ready to play your games
and what is up with your voice?
Do you really need to scream?
and why are you acting so mean?
your words I will have to avoid.
I must have written billions of famous lines
like the billions of stars in the sky
that sparks on me tonight as I write
what is on my mind, what my heart pours out
in the wintertime.
I have to question myself
all that I am in this world
Why am I so sad?
I try very hard not to be bad
I hang on every word and every line
that has been evilly spoken to me
that makes bad dreams for me.
Where all my emotions get so shaken up
what is hurtful is I don't get Compensate
for all these life pains this world gave
where my faith has been shaken
But, I still cling to the promises.
So, I hang on to every word I ever have known
But this old pain still remains
that is how my dreams are made.
I see the practice and claims that some people say
that have moral standards and their faith is strong
well I look at them with anger in my heart
Because if they are so God-like,
then why do they always walk around
blaming and judging and knocking down the spirit
To me I scream ''Hypocrisy,'' they are to me
when one's behavior does not conform to the pretense-
They contradict everything I once believed in.
I cry out and shouted out loud
I disown your evil Lies
my soul is willing to forgive
but I will never forget.
I hung on to every word they had ever said
Oh, they had made their bed
but all those lies messed with my head
know I don't know who to believe
when it comes to faith and dreams
because it all seems to be the same for me.

-Judy Emery © 1980 The Queen Of Darken Dreams Poetic Lilly Emery.

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