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I'm skipping rocks across the old river bay
thinking about all I would love to say,
I held so much on in my mind,
thinking about all those painful times.

Yet, when I look around seeing natures beauty
it magically puts a smile on my face.
Feeling the rippling liquid flesh of life
-reflecting its freedom to me.

I take in the fresh cooling air into my lungs
as I slowly let it out-
as a reminder, I am truly alive.
The dampness of saving grace
is written upon my face.

As I watch the sun horizon awake
my spirit as if it was my first awaking,
the beautiful pink and orange skies
or like painting into my eyes.

Gliding within my soul
of something my heart has known
-and longed from long ago.
it is like a gift from heaven
to this lonely human.

That walks around the river bay
with nothing much to say,
while all eyes look my way,
as I soaking in the morning beauty
that speak to a lonely poet like me.

- Judy Emery © 1980 The Queen Of Darken Dreams Poetic Lilly Emery

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