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Life in the south is very complected,
Yet, life its self is hard, but it is also a gift,
No matter what state of mind you are in.
Beyond what is here, and what doesn't appear
to the human eye, just know He is always near.
I watch how an old woman takes her walk
alone by the sandy beach talking to thee.
She knows she is truly not alone,
but to the human eye that is all anyone could see.
But what truly burns deep within her soul
is the name of thee she will never let go.
In this small beach town, I see children at play,
yet, where is the faith, when it comes to the missing,
the wall on the streets has photos and names,
where the slender ribbons blow in the wind.
If we are not careful as those little ones
that play in the mud.
we may be as those who are missing, and names
are always appearing, as another disappeared.
The words of He is always with us,
but it takes the ears and a willing soul to hear them.
This love is powerfully filled with truth, in the youth
and to the gifted aging ones.
Life is hard, but what isn't? This is our life that we
are living each day, and will soon be taken.
We are like those little children that come up missing.
That is why we must stop and listen.
Because the wild crazy winds are a-blowing,
making the sounds of cries of those who vanished.

- Judy Emery © 2008 The Queen Of Darken Dreams Poetic Lilly Emery

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