Chapter 13

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Today was going to be a new day, full of new beginnings for both of them. Ana had gotten up early ready for the day to begin. She smiled at herself while she picked the clothes she would wear for the day. Tight black jeans, a white shirt and a black blazer were her go-to attire. But she wasn't ready yet. She was missing one thing that knew would have the desired effect on him. After applying a dark red lipstick, she inserted her middle finger of her right hand in her mouth as she looked into the mirror and thought of Freddie... She removed her finger from her mouth and bit her lower lip. 

She had arrived to the studio earlier than any of the band or Mike. She had some catching up to do with a song Freddie had recorded the vocals only and she had to fit in the music too. 

She sat there in the quiet of the empty studio, lights dimmed, just the twinkly lights of the console in front of her. She was listening intently to his vocals as she slowly added the music. 

Her eyes were closed, taking it all in. His voice sounded so angelic and it made her drift away to a dream state. She was completely unaware of her surroundings, of the world around her. It was just him and her. 

Suddenly she felt a pair of warm hands enveloping her as they gently removed the headphones from her ears that were then met with a warm kiss. 

"Can't get enough of listening to my voice, darling?" A smile formed at her lips as his whisper made her shiver. 

"Well, I kind of have to," she replied and turned around to face him. His face changed from a smile to awe; she was breathtaking! The dark red lipstick accentuated her full lips and white skin and made her look like a porcelain doll. 

" alright, love?" Ana asked him smiling and licking her lips just enough to send him over the edge.

There it was. Another surprise. First, she looks like a million dollars, so pure, beautiful and yet ready for him and then she calls him love. And by God it sounded so exceptional coming from her. 

Freddie shook his head in disbelief as he smiled back at her, pulled her from the waist close to him, gently, and leaned in mere inches from her face and whispered looking at her dead in the eyes, "You take my breath away, angel. Why?" 

"Because..." Ana began and momentarily stopped as his hand caressed her cheek and his thumb traced her lips before resting for a while on the bottom one. There she was in his warm, strong embrace and she couldn't resist his touch. As his thumb traced her lips, she opened her mouth slightly and with her tongue licked his finger. He drew a deep breath at this and his heart raced at the feeling. 

"Oh, angel, what are you doing to me?" Freddie managed in one breath. He wanted her, right then and there but he also wanted to do this properly. 

"I love you, Freddie" Ana finally said whispering. 

Freddie smiled, and he didn't hide his toothy smile this time. He had lowered his guard and was letting her in. 

"Don't ever stop smiling for me, Freddie" Ana continued and he let out a short laugh.

"Dinner at mine tonight, darling. OK?" Freddie sort of asked but both of them knew it wasn't a question. Ana nodded. The tides had turned and she was ready to embark on the most exciting and life-altering journey of her life. A relationship with Freddie Mercury. Her idol. Her hero. Her man.

Freddie let her sit back down as he placed the headphones back on her ears and sat beside her. She continued working but throughout the day the two of them seemed to be playing a game of looks and stolen kisses, before the night that was ahead of them.

Ana felt nervous as she stood there in front of the door in the night. Freddie had sent a driver to pick her at the right time and bring her over to his house. She had arrived at the expected time and she was told to ring the bell and so she did. Suddenly, the door opened and what she came across was like she was living a fairy tale. 

She was greeted by an excited and smiling Freddie, in a black suit, looking handsome as ever, even more so if that was possible and a few cats slowly walking around the house. She smiled as she was ushered inside and Freddie took off her coat. 

"Darling! You are here!" he exclaimed and pecked her lips.

Ana's eyes widened as she took in the beauty of his house. There were so many beautiful things in all the right places and although it looked like a palace, it had such a homey and cozy feeling. 

"Freddie, this is huge!" she said in a state of surprise as he was showing her around.

Freddie smiled coyly at that, "Mmm, we still have time for that, darling". 

Ana laughed and shook her head as her cheeks turned a matching to her lips crimson colour. 

Dinner was served and the night was getting better and better. Freddie and Ana talked about everything as he indulged her into stories about the past and funny interactions. How she loved listening to him talk! His voice was so soft and low and his accent gave her goosebumps but all through dinner there was one thing that she couldn't get her eyes off; his mouth. She had dreamt about it kissing her so many nights, and days, before and now there it was, tantalizing her with anticipation. She quivered at his touch, held onto his every word, synchronized herself to his breathing. 

Freddie's hand touched hers many times. He even thought of caressing her lower section too but still wanted to do that properly and not rush it. She was so angelic in that dark blue dress that drove him crazy. 

After dinner, they made their way to the drawing room which sported a grand piano on one side and a couch on the other. He sat in front of it and motioned for her to sit next to him just as they had done a few days ago in the studio. 

"Do you play, darling?" Freddie asked as he played a couple odd notes on the keys.

Ana rested her fingers on the black and white keys and smiled at him, "Used to, not anymore"

"Let me show you something," he replied and readjusted himself closer to her as he put his left arm around her and reached the other side of the piano where her fingers were resting. "Follow me", he instructed and started playing the opening melody to You Take My Breath Away. 

Ana's fingers rested on Freddie's and followed him in the melody. She could feel his chest rising and falling rapidly against her back; she could smell his perfume; she could almost taste him. 

Suddenly, he stopped. He took her face in his hands and kissed her. Gently at first and then more passionately; he was hooked and he couldn't, wouldn't let her go. He felt her hands holding on to him, caressing his back and moving on to his hair as she allowed his kisses to move to her neck. 

Ana's breathing quickened as she felt his warm and wet lips on the base of her neck. She let herself melt in his embrace, dropping her head backwards. 

Freddie couldn't hold it any longer. He needed all of her. He got up and with one sudden movement, he pulled her up into his arms and together they walked towards the stairs still kissing. 

It all felt right, as if something was pulling them together. In an instant, the whole world seemed to be clicking into place for those two. As if they were meant to be together. 

At the bottom of the stairs, Ana stopped and pulled away ever so slightly. 

"What's wrong, darling?" Freddie asked concerned. 

"I want you, Freddie. I want all of you," she replied breathless, and Freddie could swear she was meant to be with him, for she had read his mind. 

With one swift motion, his hands reached down to her bottom and pulled her up as she locked her legs around him. He could feel her most intimate parts around his navel and she was ready for him. But first, he had a small surprise. 

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