Chapter 2

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Her heart was beating faster now as he drew closer. She stood up and Mike was the first one to speak.

"Mr Mercury, it's so nice to finally meet you in person."

Freddie's voice came soft and clear, yet a bit husky probably because it was so early in the morning. "Mike, thank you so much for all this, and please call me Freddie," he said and gave him a friendly hug.

The other guys were also introduced and stood in a half circle as Mike began talking again. "Everyone, this is Anastasia Mills, our audio technician," at this Ana put her hand up and sort of waved at the group smiling while everyone reciprocated the girl's smile and wave. "she will see that everyone is happy with the new record and the desired sound and overall appeal of the album is created. Basically, she is your go-to girl."

"Awesome!" "Cool!" "Ok" Brian, Roger and John were heard saying almost in unison with a big smile on their faces.

Finally Ana straightened herself up and despite her nerves and anxiety spoke up "Please, call me Ana. As Mike said, I will be here to get your record the desired effect and sound, so don't hesitate to let me know if something doesn't work for you."

At this Freddie took a step forward and still smiling brought his hand out for her to shake it. Her hand touched his and her heart was caught in her chest. His hand was warm and smooth and almost twice the size of hers. His long fingers enveloped hers and his other hand rested on top. "Ana...," he began and his eyes stayed fixed in hers. He spoke slowly almost as if he was trying to find the best words to say what he wanted. He seemed shy as he pressed his lips together. Ana couldn't take her eyes off him. Everything seemed perfect, all in the right place. She could see that he was trying to hide his teeth as he opened his mouth to form words but she wished he didn't do it. His smile was unique, one of a kind and what made her heart beat even faster. She would give anything for him to give her one such toothy smile.

Don't hide it, don't hide it... she thought and as if he had heard her, he let his guard down and smiled bright just for her "it's an honour to work with you. We've heard nothing but the best, darling!"

She was caught off guard at that. He was honoured to work with her?

"The honour is all mine Mr. Mercury!" she said and felt her cheeks burning.

Freddie suddenly moved his hands on her arms and pulled her softly close to him almost in a hug and leaned his head down and whispered in her ear, "Call me Freddie, darling"

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