Chapter 11

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Freddie ran in the hospital like the wind. He wouldn't wait for the elevator. His legs could take him there faster. He took the stairs, arriving on the 5th floor out of breath. He spotted Mike and his heart felt like exploding.

There she was, lying on the bed, hooked up to an IV, her heart monitored at all times. As he saw her there, almost lifeless, he couldn't control his tears. He sat down beside her, one hand holding hers, the other over his eyes as he cried.

His angel had managed to breathe but she was nowhere close to opening her eyes. She was still in a comma. The only thing left to do now was wait and pray that she would wake up.

There he was, hardly breathing now as she sat motionless beside him staring at his chest rising and taking forever to fall again. He was slipping in and out of a comma for the past few days but the last 10 hours had been worse. He didn't have long now; that's what the doctor had said earlier. She tried her best to smile at him when he did wake up to look at her but God knew how much she wanted to break down and cry. He didn't deserve that. Just a year ago he was so full of energy and now this?

He felt helpless just watching her struggling to breathe... what? No, that wasn't right. Something felt off about this. The heart monitor beeped loud as he heartbeat rose dangerously.

Suddenly the doctors were all around her, Mike pulling Freddie out of the room as fear overtook him, freezing him to the spot.

Her heart was broken as she heard the words "I'm sorry Ana, he is gone". He was still warm to the touch when they took him away. She would no longer see him, touch him.. it was too much for her to bear. She let her body drop to the floor as his body was carried away from the room and her cries filled the house, the street, the city and still it wasn't enough. She wanted her heart to stop beating like Freddie's did earlier.

The heart monitor kept beeping loudly, her eyes moved fast under her eyelids and her chest struggled to take a breath. She was hyperventilating.

She was panicking.

With a sudden jolt she opened her eyes, sat up and breathed. Tears were flowing down her red cheeks and her voice sounded groggy but loud "Freddie!"

The doctors stood back and left the room while a nurse remained to keep her calm and unhook her from the different machines.
"Freddie!!" Ana cried louder this time and he ran to her embracing her and caressing her hair.

"I'm here, darling!"

She was inconsolable. He was there and she would be ok but whatever that was that she experienced when she was asleep was scary.

The doctors gave her the all clear to go home after a few days and Freddie was overjoyed. He could finally spend some time with her and take care of her.

On the car ride back to her apartment, Ana stayed quiet looking out as the car passed the rainy streets of London.

"Are you ok, darling?" Freddie asked concerned breaking the silence. She was unusually quiet, sitting close to him at the back seat of the car, his arm wrapped around her shoulders.

Ana turned around, her eyes glistening with sadness and nodded. She readjusted herself closer to him, her hips touching his and leaned her head on his shoulder. There she felt content but on her mind, the image of his lifeless body on the bed when he took his last breath and the fear she felt seeing that, was still lingering.

At the apartment, Ana let herself in and signaled for Freddie to come in too. He helped her get some water and get ready for bed.

"Darling, what's wrong?" Freddie finally asked. Her silence made him worry. He knew she wouldn't feel well especially after what she had been through only a week ago, but still he didn't expect her to be so drawn.

"I..." she started but she couldn't find the words. She didn't know what to say or even if she should tell him. Maybe sleep was better at this point. "I think I need to rest," she finally said and smiled softly.

"Ok, my angel, I'll let you rest." Freddie sat next to her on the bed and caressed her hair softly as he leaned in for a kiss. His lips were warm and soft. She had forgotten how his kisses made her feel. She smiled and held his hand. She was tired, both physically and mentally but she wanted everything to be as it were before all this. She kissed him again, this time more passionately but drew back when the sight of him dead crawled back into her mind.

Freddie stood up to leave but she kept holding on to his hand and pulled him slightly towards her again. Freddie turned around, "What is it, darling? Tell me," he said sitting back down, his eyes smiling, peering into her soul.

How she melted when she would stare into those brown eyes of his! They were mesmerizing.. They made her weak at the knees, her heart would beat a thousand times faster.

"Don't go, Freddie. Stay..." she said almost pleading and he couldn't say no. God knows how badly he wanted to be with her. They hadn't had the time yet to talk about where things were going but for once in his life he wanted to take things slow, not rush it. This was important to him. She was important to him. He wanted to make this work. All the more reason to slow things down now.

Ana sat back against the bed's headboard and relaxed into the soft quilt as she watched Freddie go around to the other side of the bed, removing his clothes. With every garment he removed, the faster her heart beat. He first removed his leather jacket, then his t-shirt revealing a strong hairy chest which drove her crazy with lust, then the trousers.... She was hooked, her eyes inspecting his every move as his hand undid his belt and the button of his jeans and then, he stopped. She realized what was happening. She was staring involuntarily but she couldn't look away. Blushing, her cheeks red with embarrassment, she saw Freddie looking at her, his hand on his jeans' button, smiling back at her surprised.

"Anything you like, darling?" he asked her playfully.

Ana smiled back and hid her face under the covers giggling. She peaked over the covers to the sight of Freddie looming over her, jeans unbuttoned smiling down at her. "You can watch me, darling, it's ok. But only because it's you," he said and gave her a quick kiss before getting up and continuing to remove his jeans.


Sleep took her fast. She had no bad dreams, in fact she had no dreams at all, until she heard noise. She opened her eyes sleepily, adjusting them to the darkness and lay there quietly while she recovered from deep sleep. And that's when she heard it. Violent coughing. She turned her head towards the sound and leapt out of bed. She ran to the bathroom and there he was, Freddie down on the cold bathroom tiles coughing.

"Freddie!" she yelled as she knelt down beside him, fear overtaking her. "What's wrong? Are you ok?" Ana said placing her hand against his back, rubbing it softly until he recovered from his coughing fit.

Freddie's face was red from the violent cough and his eyes watery. "I'm ok, my darling," he replied in a hoarse voice, throwing away a tissue he was holding in his hand. He slowly got up as did Ana and smiled at her. "No worries, my darling angel, I'm ok. Now let's go back to bed."

First that vision and now this.. she feared for the worst. Maybe it was all in her head, she had a tendency to overthink things, maybe it was something more. But for now, she had to relax and she loved doing it in his warm embrace.

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