Sixty-Fifth Thread

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Guess which moron was sitting on the chapter for few days before remembering to actually send it to proofreading. You have one try.

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"Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn."

Benjamin Franklin


Ren is actually very proud of herself for not blowing up at Neji. He's a child, one in desperate need of a stable authority figure to guide him because by Jashin and all the other gods, childcare in Konoha is one of the worst Ren has ever seen, ranking only barely above her own family from Renee's time. The point is, the last thing Neji needs is a blowup. He needs a responsible adult to care for him.

And no, the Hyuuga do not fit this criteria. They suck, but Ren has no idea how on earth she would even begin to correct his behavior (and boost Hinata's confidence while she's at it) while being an Uchiha attempting to correct a Hyuuga.

And boy isn't it telling about her that she'd like to just take all those broken kids in and show them that an adult they can depend on is not, in fact, a mythical cryptid? She's already taken in two, after all, and dropped another on the only other possibly responsible adult in the vicinity.

Not everyone has crap parents, of course. The Ino-Shika-Cho trio are incredibly well-adjusted for children training to be soldiers and killers, and so are Kiba and Shino. Sakura is doing better, but she has the fact that she frightens most people these days going for her. Sasuke and Naruto are also decently adjusted. Leagues better than they otherwise would have been, at least.

But Hinata and Neji?

From the standpoint of a fan reading and watching the series, the Hyuuga were assholes, but ultimately didn't have too much bearing on the overarching story.

From the perspective of someone who lives in the same village than them, however, who interacts with them and sees them interact with others? These people should have the custody of each and every child taken from them the second a child is born. The clan is oppressive and toxic, and Ren knows for sure that Hinata has actual anxiety, and Hibiki hadn't come out unscathed either.

They just live in a society that doesn't give a single flying fuck about people's mental health. Not to throw shade, or anything, but that is so typically Japanese. Not like Ren has a place to talk, either, but that isn't caused by a whole country, or, less so by a whole country—just a singular, terribly toxic family unit.

"Right!" Ren claps her hands a few times, regaining the children's attention. "Do I have teams?"

The girls had put their collective foot down—Hinata included—and formed a distinctly 'no boys allowed' team, and the boys had to grudgingly split between themselves, Naruto and Sasuke particularly sour that they couldn't team up with Sakura. Canonically, Sakura would have been the most useless part of the team, but with Ren's intervention she has become a terror that everybody both fears and wants on their team at the same time. But she also has a good relationship with Ino and Hinata, and boys are stupid, so the girls teamed together. Naruto and Sasuke, ever the wonder twins, grab Kiba for their third, so the last team is comprised of Shikamaru, Chōji, and Shino. All in all, relatively balanced.

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