Sixty-Second Thread

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This chapter has been beta'd for you by hestia8693.


Uh. Hi? No matter how many times I promise I'll correct myself and write more often, it doesn't work and my loathing for myself grows, and CPwUR from a weekly has became a monthly thing. I need to fix that.

On another note, y'all your author is having birthday in one and a half week. 10 days to be exact. Wish me luck in another year of wrangling with this shit life I guess.

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"I love coming home."
Freddie Freeman


They finally reach Konoha in the late morning, just before noon. Kotetsu and Izumo are at the gate, where they have almost always been since advancing to chūnin. They take one look at Ren—riding a giant blue spider and looking suspiciously not maimed enough for them to go screaming for Hana—and just wave them through, writing something in their papers. Deidara, who up to this point always had to document himself, just blinks at Ren in confusion. She just ruffles his hair in response; both Izumo and Kotetsu had been Genma's kids—he took care of them after the Kyuubi Attack, much like he helped Ren and Sasuke after Itachi's escapades in listening to Danzo without double-checking it with Hiruzen.

(Fun times, that. She hopes Kisame will punch Itachi for her sometime.)

"I wish I could just walk in and out," Deidara muses as Ren jumps off of Cobalt, pats the spider in gratitude, and unsummons her.

"One day, maybe you will," Ren tells him. "But for now you're some random kid-terrorist from an enemy village who had a sudden change of allegiance. Give them a few years, they'll get used to you."

The truth is, Izumo and Kotetsu are rather fond of Deidara, since he is staying with Genma and all that, and often makes the whole crossing the gate process easier for him than it would be for any other person of interest.

It's blatant favoritism, really. And Ren, like the opportunistic asshole she is, soaks it all up.

"Now, can I deal with all of this bureaucracy before school's out?" Ren wonders idly, moving towards the Hokage Tower. The Academy is a kunai's throw away, so getting there quickly won't be a problem, and the mission was a simple assassination that got, uh, 'delayed'. Ren could probably twist the truth well enough anyway.

She just needs to divert Danzō's attention with the summons and Sage Mode, and, after a few days of preparation, send him the documents and the corpse and vanish for a month or something. It's not like he could go after the kids anyway; there are too many people that would start hounding him if he tried anything with any of them.

"I mean, probably," Torune answers her. All they need to do is report their safe (alive, anyway) return, confirm mission completion, grab their pay, and hand in a written report later, and that doesn't take long.

They go together, partly because somewhere along the way Deidara pounced on Ren and clung to her back demanding a ride.


She hears them before she sees them, and even before that, she senses them. It's not hard, since Naruto's aura is a bright beacon and all you need to know where he is, is find the source. And that also isn't hard—it's simply where the densest concentration of chakra is. Naruto can't tone down the energy he releases to save his life, and the Kyuubi doesn't help with that at all.

Knitting Fate (Canon Patchworking with Uchiha Ren Part II)Where stories live. Discover now