Seventy-Fifth Thread

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This chapter has been beta'd for you by hestia8693.

CPwUR official Discord chat;

My deviantArt: /killergirlfuria

(If you want to support me, you can find ways to do it on my deviantArt.)


Honestly, what was I expecting during this summer holiday lmao. I was busy, I'm busy now, trying to write 20 pages of my Master Thesis in 14 days after two months of willfully ignoring this thing exists.

Anyway, I'm on my last stretch of university; my last year. I don't expect my update... 'shedule' will improve in the time I try to get my degree.

In other news, I've made a ! If you want to support me, you can find ways to do it on my deviantArt profile, KillerGirlFuria.


WARNING: body horror, specifically mutations from last chapter.


"God put us here, on this carnival ride. We close our eyes never knowing where it'll take us next."
Carrie Underwood


Awai is insistently tapping her cheek with one of his legs, but Ren pays him little mind as she desperately tries to make sense out of what she just saw and talk herself out of the panic attack she can feel coming.

It's not the creature's appearance, of course; it's everything else. All the implications.

The reason why Kana had been so mad at her for wanting to learn Sage Mode. The reason why Inoue and Chiyo aren't happy about it either, but still need her to become one anyway or they will be at the risk of dying.

Or the whole realm will go to hell.

"Why is he still alive?" she asks as she rises to her feet, looking at Inoue, searching for something, anything at all. She grabs the spider demon by the shoulders and shakes her desperately. "Why?!"

"Sit down," Inoue tells her, but it falls on deaf ears, because it's not what Ren wants to hear. Inoue clicks her mandibles in disapproval, though the movement does not hinder the guilt shining in her black eyes. Ren continues standing there, staring at her, barely noticing Chiyo treading back towards the cliff. "Ren, you need to calm down—"

"Tell me," Ren pleads. "Just. Explain it to me. Now. Please."

Inoue takes a deep breath.

"As we have explained, without a summoner, the realm will start to fall apart," she says, carefully unhooking Ren's hands from her shoulders. "The sage is the most important anchor. The most effective one. And even if they fail, even if that happens to them, even when they are rendered incapable of leaving the Falls... they are still a valuable resource. They can still help stabilize the realm. Without their presence as the cornerstones the realm would have likely already been gone by the time you became our summoner. Or damaged beyond repair at the least."

Ren sits down and puts her head into her hands, trying to make sense of it all.

"Then, about the sage mode—I'm assuming that thing is what happens if you fuck up learning it? Right? If I fail, I turn into an abomination, and... what, stay here forever?"

"Yes," Inoue nods. "Failed sages lose all their sense; there is no intelligence left, just an endless drive to hunt and kill. They don't even have any survival instincts. If the nature chakra they are siphoning and processing didn't keep them alive, they would starve to death."

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