Thirty-Second Thread

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In a case anyone is interested in my (now, thankfully, resolved, because I finally decided to be the mature one and blocked the offender) 'Hate Mail Epopeia', it went like this; I got hate mail, stood up for myself, the hater started falling over themself to apologize, they repeatedly ignored me asking just WHICH story I criticized, I got annoyed, told them I'm annoyed and they suddenly went back to hating. Lol. If anyone is interested in drama of 16 Wattpad chat screenshots, during which offender also managed to chage their nickname, here you go;

(I know you must re-type it to see it, but it's Wattpad, so.)


"For the two of us, home isn't a place. It is a person. And we are finally home."
Stephanie Perkins, Anna and the French Kiss

The apartment is nice. It's dark, and feels a bit cramped, but is decidedly homey. It's the first time Ren sets her foot inside, and she already feels something distinctly hers within these green walls and dark, wooden floors. This is so different from her first apartment – airy, bright and so unbearably cold – that her mother had oh so graciously bought for her. The one she'd raved so hard about after Renee almost immediately sold it and bought herself a new one, as far away as she could while still staying in the country.

This one is so new, shiny, and clean, and made her feel cozy nearly instantly, like a comfortable, warm, dry hole deep in the ground. A sanctuary of sorts.

At the entrance is a large space for placing shoes, big enough to fit a rather massive closet as well. There is a mini-hallway with a kitchen to the left, an open sitting room to the front, and some more hallway to the right, with two doors to the bedrooms and one to the bathroom, directly across from the kitchen. Ren is also pretty sure that the sitting room had a door once, but it definitely doesn't now. And the only thing that actually divides it from kitchen now is a pillar and a row of counters.

The kitchen itself is green and silver on plain brown linoleum. The sitting room is a brighter green than the kitchen, with much more silver and grey. The sitting-dining room hybrid is composed of deep brown furniture, plain rugs in various shades of gray, and dark-green walls. The green is the same as in the kitchen, except much darker, and it makes for a very nice transition. The rugs aren't fluffy, because that would be ridiculous to clean, and the couches are also covered in gray blankets. The wall in front of the entrance is all windows and balcony door, all with heavy brown curtains and pale green draperies.

Ren is glad her instructions had been kept, even if all she said to Genma was 'make it feel like I'm in a cozy hole underground'.

Still holding Naruto in her arms, Ren sighs, toes her knee-high boots off with a little difficulty, and walks into the sitting room, sitting heavily onto the couch. She sets the boy down onto the couch next to her and sighs wearily. Sasuke, after removing his own shoes, climbs up the couch on the other side and clings to her arm so hard it's almost painful.

"Go," she says to Genma hovering where the door should be and, Ren is sure, once actually was. "Take a shower. Calm down, okay? We'll talk in a while."

"Okay," Genma says with small, sad smile and exits through the door. But before he closes it again, he turns, motions to her vest, and says, "Congratulations, by the way."

"Thanks," Ren smiles weakly back.

And if Ren's voice is weak and on the verge of breaking, he doesn't comment.  

Ren doesn't cry.

It's not that she doesn't want to, or that she wants to keep up a façade of being tough. No, she wants to cry. She wants to scream her lungs out. Scream until her throat is sore and bleeding and her body can't afford to waste any more liquid and the tears stop. Better yet, she wants to go out into the streets and burn the houses of each and every person who was a part of the mob that had attacked Naruto.

Knitting Fate (Canon Patchworking with Uchiha Ren Part II)Where stories live. Discover now