Sixty-Fourth Thread

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This chapter has been beta'd for you by hestia8693.


My life, a tragedy in three acts:

Act I—the Driving License.

The bane of my existence for the entirety of the holidays, but I passed it on the second try! So that's behind me. I'm a driver now, with the plastic an all. Yaaa-ay.

Act II—The Shitstorm.

From the beginning of October. The less said about that, the better. I made some ugly mistakes I hope I won't repeat ever again, stuff. Aaaanyway, it's behind us, and let it stay such. I've deleted posts detailing it and I once more would like to apologize for the hiatus-scare. I was not stable when I wrote that message.

Act III—The University.

Uni started up in October once more and I'm making my comeback as a third year. Do you know what it means? That on top having to make an actualy, functioning game for my GameDev part of the course, I also have to research and write my BA Thesis, on top of having regular classes. This year will be fun. Eheheheh.

But then again, I'm more prone to write whilst under this type of stress, so, who knows?

Interlude—Guess Which Dumbass Came Up With Yet Another Story?

Because Regalis Isn't Enough, I will soon-ish be posting a prologue to my new story, [oh, mama, mama], where we'll follow the life and times of Eloise Campbell who (you won't guess) dies! And is reborn! The kicker: she gets reborn as Charlotte Linlin, a notorious Yonko, Big Mom, from One Piece. Few things stay the same, but, oddly enough, many don't change. Until they do, that is.

(If you're confused as to what Regalis is-cue shameless self-promotion-it's my take on Otome Game Isekai, a completely original story I'm writing. The full title is [Regalis: in search of peace and quiet!] and you can find it by browsing my other work here.)

CPwUR official Discord chat; discord. gg/WQ7mNwk

CPwUR official Tumblr blog; cpwur. tumblr. com


"Parenting is not giving your child everything they want. Parenting is not being your child's friend. Parenting is about preparing your child to be a useful and respectful person in society."


There are things Ren and Hibiki don't have in common. Many things. But there are also some things they do have in common.

Their first 'date' is a visit to a weapon shop, if it could even be called a date to begin with. Their first outing together happens right after their conversation—Hibiki has nothing to do, and Ren still has around three hours before the kids are out of school. She mentions that she would like to look at polearm-type weapons, and so Hibiki, much more invested in blades than in his clan's taijutsu, offers to walk with her to the weapon shop. And so, they go.

They garner a few startled looks—Ren's clan might be mostly dead, but the animosity between the Uchiha and the Hyūga is still legendary, so seeing two members of their clans walking together in a friendly manner makes some heads turn. Hibiki, the little shit he is, takes it as an invitation to basically lean on her shoulder, radiating smugness, and Ren honestly can get behind giving people a good shock, so she plays along and lets him.

The weapon shop they enter is one catering mostly to shinobi, and probably one of the higher-quality joints. Ren sincerely doubts that a lower-grade store would have what she is looking for, since it is rather exotic.

Knitting Fate (Canon Patchworking with Uchiha Ren Part II)Where stories live. Discover now