Does anyone have suggestions? For any of my stories including this one.


When I wake up I feel a hand rubbing my back. Ronnie? Before I move or open my eyes I focus on what I feel. The person doesn't feel like Ronnie.. it's Oliver.

I went to sleep laying on him because he made me. Now I'm laying half on my side that's on the couch and still somewhat on him. My chest is pressed to his side and my right arm and leg are draped over him.

He's laying on his back rubbing my upper arm with his left hand and his right arm is wrapped around me. I open my eyes and see theres a guy in his bunk. I lift my head up and look at Oli.

"Are we moving?" I ask confused because it feels like we are driving.

"Yeah, justin called you so I answered it. He said the bus was about to leave and was wondering where you where so I told him you'll ride with us until we get to the hotel tomorrow night," he says and I put my head on his shoulder.

"Justin is pretty uptight, why did he agree to me not being in my bus?" I ask confused. He didn't want me to ride with Ronnie.

"Should I make up a lie to save you from embarrassment or you want to know the real reason?" He asks and I frown.

"Real?" I say but it turns out into a question.

"Justin told me he wanted me to cheer you up because you have been crying instead of sleeping and your whole band is worried for you. Justin also said  you don't like people knowing you cry so I wasn't supposed to tell you that," he says and I feel embarrassed that he knows I've been crying over this stupid breakup.

"Hm.. what time is it?" I ask changing the topic.

"Its seven something, are you hungry?" He says and a different guy walks past us and gives the one dude who's laying in his buck a shirt.

"Yeah kinda," I say and Oliver looks over to the people in the bus.

"Matt, give me two of those uh things," Oliver says trying to think of whatever it is. The guy whose name is probably Matt grabs two McDonald's burgers.

I'm aware Oliver's a vegan but this is a fanfic a lot of stuff is inaccurate

He gives me and Oli one and we both get into sitting positions. "Thank you," I say and we eat in silence. Well not silence, we are listening to Matt and another guy fight over a remote.

"That's lee, Matt, Jordan and Matt. I'm Oli and you're mine," Oli says and smile at his joke. Joke? His not serious flirting? Honestly I dont know but it made my heart flutter and my lips curl upwards.

"Oh yea? When did I become yours?" I say and he looks to be thinking.

"Well starting right now I forbid you from being anyone else's," he says and I  give him a 'are you serious' look. He smiles and I roll my eyes.

"I'm not going to argue just because I don't plan on dating anyone right now. I'm not going to do what I usually do," I say and he puts his hand on my thigh.

"What do you usually do?" He asks in interest.

I look over and make sure nobodys paying attention. "I jump into relationships without knowing the person and it always turns out bad for me," I say softly and lean against him a little.

"I'll fuck up anyone why flirts with you then," he states and I smile. He puts his arm around me and his hand rests on my hip.

"Oli, beat yourself up," Matt says and I look at Oliver to see him smirking at him.

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