Crack chapter

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"YOU BITCH!" Taehyung yelled at jungkook. "WHO ARE YOU CALLING A BITCH?!" Everyone ran into the kitchen to see what was happening,
"Woah woah! Calm down!" Namjoon put a arm on taehyung. "What the hell?  Why are y'all fighting!?" Jimin asked as he rubbed his eyes. "THIS THOT ATE MY FUCKING POPTART!"


"Bitch you gonna step my I'm fuckin toe with them fuckin cowgirl boots bitch DISGOSTANG!"- taehyung yelled as hobi stepped on his Gucci slippers.



"Y/n! You have to have more fucking emotion!" "Well how the hell am I supposed to cry on point!?" Author min  sighed and crossed her legs on the studio chair. "Think about how Jimin ate your last pizza roll." Author min smirked. "Oh that bitch.." she had a angered looking on her face and sat back in the chair.

"Umi could you get back into the shot?" Author min asked nicely. "Sure." He walked over and got into place.

"Noww..... ACTION-"


"MOM IM SORRY!" Jimin yelled as Jin came around the counter with his pink slipper in hand. "SAY ITS TOO EARLY TO EAT AGAIN BITCH-"


"Man this tastes like ass.." taehyung says as he threw the off brand sushi in the trash "How do you know what ass tastes like?"  Namjoon asked.  "I don't know. Why don't you ask jungkook?" He smirks.

" nasty hoe.."


"Unlock the door yoongi!" Y/n said banging on the door. "No!" Yoongi said from under the bed. "You locking door yoongi?" Y/n suddenly kicked the door in, "YOU LOCKING DOORS YOONGI!?" "AHHHHHH-"


"Author min? Why are you crying?" Y/n walked up to the author. "J-Jimin took my jelly away while I was making a peanut and butter jelly sandwich and h-he to-told me I have no j-jams.." author sobbed. "N-Now I h-have a peanut b-butter sandwich.." the author sadly munched on her sandwich.

Y/n stood up and yelled. "JIMIN GET YOUR ASS OVER HERE!-"


"Author min! Come on we have to get the scene were I storm out of the house!" Taehyung groaned. "Stop poking the dead squirrel!" "B-But i-it's so sad! I c-can save it-" "NO!"


"Do you hired these kids to play in the street?" Namjoon asked as he drove. "Yep!" Author min said cheerfully.

They all came to the kids and author min pulled out her camera. "ACTION!"
She yelled. The kids stopped in the middle of the street and namjoon honked his horn. The kids flipped him off and namjoon gasped.

"Wow. I didn't tell them to do that!" Everyone laughed.


"I don't understand why people keep telling me I act different around yoongi? I don't see a glimpse of it. I act completely normal." Y/n took a sip of their drink. "Really? OMG IS THAT YOONGI WITH HIS SHIRT OFF!? AND IS THAT A SIX PACK!?"

Y/n spits out her drink and looks around frantically. "WHERE!?"

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