Chaptah 11 x_x

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                                                  A COUPLE DAYS LATER

Ah, nice and recovered. Still have a couple of bruises, but I am back to my usual annoying self(: Luke has been so romantic lately, I love him to bits. I got out of bed and opened my curtains wide. "Good morning world" I muttered to myself, I looked at the date on my calendar. "YAAAAAAAAAAAAY" I yelled as I ran downstairs to have breakfast. "What are you so happy about babe?" Maddi looked up from her toast and stared at me like I was looney. "Lukes taking me to a fucking carnival tonight!" I yelled, jumping up and down with excitement. I love carnivals, I think they're the best thing to ever happen. If someone offers to take me to a carnival, I will love them forever.

"Oh goody! I'm gonna get Jai to take me aswell" She began jumping with me. We got dressed and walked out the door.

To: Lukeeeeeeeeeey - Hey babeh! Me and twinnie coming over, she wants Jai to take her to the carnival - be prepared, we gonn fuck shit up ;)

Maddi looked over my shoulder and saw the text, she giggled a little. We reached his house about 10 minutes later. We ran in and I heard Beau scowl and walk out. 

"Hey babe!" Luke ran upto me and swung me around, our lips connected. "PDA" Jai came into the room and pretended to be blind. "Awh, just coz you haven't asked Maddi out yet!" Luke yelled in defence, I laughed and nudged Maddi's shoulder.

"So, uhh Jai - I hope you're planning on taking me to the carni aswell" she said sexily, Maddi has always been a better flirter than me.

"Yeah, I was just gonna ask you!" Jai said as he picked her up bridal style and carried her upstairs. "USE PROTECTION YOU DIRTY PIG" I yelled out to them, deserving a laugh from Luke.

"So Luke, whats Beau's problem? He like hates me now" I whispered making sure Beau, who was i the kitchen close by didn't hear me. "Oh! He didn't tell you?" Luke whispered back, he then pushed me into the kitchen.

"Beau, at least tell her and pretend to be happy for us!" Luke said to Beau - Beau just nodded and gave him a glare. "I like you Alyssa, Okay? And when Luke got you - I was jealous, sorry am jealous." I looked at him blankly and then looked down.

"Thats it?" I muttered to him. "You have NO right to be angry at me just because I date Lukeey! If anything you should have told me as soon as you started liking me, and then you would of at least had a chance!" 

Beau looked down and nodded sadly. Luke grabbed my waist and hugged my from behind and then put his head on my shoulder. We walked back into the lounge and watched Spongebob, obviously Luke chose what show.

Jai and Maddi emerged from upstairs and both sat down smiling. I looked at Maddi and Luke looked at Jai, "SPILL" We both said at the same time we looked at each other and laughed. "Well, lets just say there's a new couple..." Maddi said grabbing Jai's hand. "OMG! ELMO AND BIG BIRD FIALLY HOOKED UP!?" I screamed. Luke pissed himself laughing and Maddi gave me a glare. "No, not as amazing as that - but almost" Jai said. I hugged them both. "Congrats guys!"  

"Twin on twin action then! AAOW" Beau walked into the room, I don't think he hates me anymore.


Heyo! I decided to dedicate this one to my first fan :') Thanks devine ;) <3 - Nessa xx

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