Chaptah 8 >:)

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Haaaay guys! Uhm so It's monday morning where I am which means..... SCHOOL. But I'm still gonna try upload nice long chaptahs >:) Please vote or comment some ideas!! - Nessa xx

~~~~~~~~~~ALYSSA'S P.O.V~~~~~~~~~~~~

Omg omg omg omg. Alone time with Luke Brooks, he's still holding my hand! It so soft and warm. Ugh I can be such a fan girl sometimes. We walked in silence to the nearest park, but the silence wasn't awkward, it was peaceful.

"Here we are!" Luke shouted happily he let go of my hand. Damn. "I bet yah" I muttered. He looked at me confused. "I bet yah you can't beat me to the swings!" I said sprinting infront of him, "No fair! You got a head start!" he yelled after me. I ran all the way over to the swings unbeaten. "HA! I beat you! What do I win?" I said proudly. "This" Luke muttered from behind me.

He grabbed me and tackled me to the ground, woah he was a great tackler. "Aw hell no!" I screamed as we began having a massive wrestle. He pinned me to the ground lying on top of me. "I could get used to this" Oh shit. I was meant to say that in my head. I covered my mouth with my hand and blushed a deep red.

"Oh could you?" He replied in a cheeky tone. I pushed him off me and sat up next to him. "Thank you Luke" I whispered in his ear. "For what lyssa?" I now had a nickname. "For having fun with me I guess, my parents are out  of the house for a month so it's just Maddi and I."

Luke looked at me, eyes widened. "There is no way thats happening" He said firmly. I looked at him confused, what was he on about? "You guys are staying at mine tonight" He said happily. WHAT!? Staying at Luke Brooks' house? YES PLEASE. "Uhh sure" I said with an ear to ear grin. He grabbed my hand to help me up.

~~~~~~~~~~~~JAI'S P.O.V~~~~~~~~~~~

 Maddi was amazing, she had everything I wanted in a girl. I wanted her to be mine, I know it sounds cleche that twins are hitting on twins, but I sure as hell wasn't going to give up on her. I was falling HARD.We sat there talking about everything and anything really, when I got a text from Luke.

From: Twin Brah - Alyssa and Maddi staying at ours tonight, I got dibs on Alyssa btw ;) x

Perfect. "Hey Maddi, you and Alyssa are staying at ours tonight apparently." I said excitedly, suddenly a very happy Beau ran in. "EEEEK A SLEEPOVER!" He screamed and managed to sound as gay as ever. Maddi giggled, oh god she had the cutest giggle ever! "You can share a bed with me if yah want" I said winking at Maddi. She blushed and nodded.

~~~~~~~~LUKE'S P.O.V~~~~~~~~

After I sent the text to Jai, I walked over with Alyssa to the swings. "Push me brah!" She said in a manly voice, but still put on puppy dog eyes. Jesus christ she was adorable. I ran behind her and gave her a shove on the swing.

~~~~~~~~~~ALYSSA'S P.O.V~~~~~~~~~~

"Higher Luke higher!" I screamed like a little schoolgirl. Yeah i know, kinky ;) I jumped off the swing and managed to ninja roll as I landed. "Impressive guuuuurl" Luke said mimicking my girlyness. We decided to head back so he grabbed my hand and we skipped happily home.

~~~~~~~MADDI'S P.O.V~~~~~~~~~~

Jai is the one for me, he listens to what I have to say, he's cute, he's funny, he's perfect. I couldn't wait to spend more time with him. "Give me your phone Mads" He said to me handing me his. I input my number in. He did the same. I browsed over the contact and giggled.

Name : JaiBoo - The greatest guy ever<3 

Awh, how cuute! Alyssa and Luke came skipping through the door a few seconds later laughing and tripping over. Beau walked in and snapped his fingers. "Luke! Did you forget everything you learnt in professional skipping!?" He sounded gay as fuck. I laughed hard remembering the Skipping Mocumentary.

"Well, If this is going to be a sleepover, there is one game we have to play!" I shouted and looked at Alyssa, she looked back and smirked. "TRUTH OR DARE" we both shouted at the same time earning "Oh shit" from all the boys. We sat in a circle on the floor.

~~~~~~~~ALYSSA'S P.O.V~~~~~~~~~~

We were now playing truth or dare with the Janoskians, the KINGS of this sort of game. We were fucked. "Truth or dare Maddi!" Beau yelled. She froze in shock. "Uhhh truth" she muttered. What a pussy. "Which one of the Brooks brothers do you fancy most?" He said giving a smirk to her. She looked down and blushed, "Jai" she said quietly. He looked at her and winked causing her to go even more red. I giggled evily. 

Maddi looked me straight in the eye and glared. "Twinnie! Truth or fucking dare" she said gritting her teeth. I smiled proudly and chose dare. "I dare you to lick maple syrup off Luke's stomach!" She yelled. We all erupted into fits of laughter. "Kinky!" I yelled making them laugh even more. "Well, Luke go grab the syrup" I said seductively and winked at him. God this was not going to end up well.

Luke came back with syrup and handed it to Beau, Luke took off his shirt and shivered. Holy testacles. He had ABS<3 I love abs, so much. Beau squeezed a line of syrup onto Luke who was lying down on the ground. I mouthed sorry to Luke and then licked the syrup off in one go.

Luke laughed and looked at me. "Beau! Truth or dare" I said to him.

"Dare you mortal!" He yelled at me, was he dropped as a baby? "I dare you to go next door and ask if they have any sex toys you could borrow" Everyone pissed themselves laughing except Beau. But, he never turns down a dare - so he left to visit the neighbours....


How was that!? Lmfao, I have an obstacle that I must write around, that object is.. SCHOOL -_- So yeah, still gonna try write long chapters but yeah XD - Nessa xx

Keep calm and love Luke Brooks (Janoskians fan fic)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat