Chaptah 10 XD

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I turned my head around slowly to find an old drunk eyeing my up from head to toe. "Um, how about you go home and I run away?" I said before making a run for it. "Come back here you dirty slut!" He called after me - I started crying because I knew he was going to catch me. I tripped on the curb and face planted the concrete, he grabbed my arms and started making out with me. I slapped him as hard as I could, but that only made him angry.

~~~~~~~~~~LUKE'S P.O.V~~~~~~~~~~~~

Why the fuck did I say that!? I have strong feelings for her but I keep pushing her away. Yeah sure I had a girlfriend but she was an absolute bitch! I don't know why I still go out with Hillary. Jai had a go at me earlier for letting her walk out the door, he was right - I was and idiot.

I realize how long she'd been gone, It was almost pitch black. I was worried and scared for her. I grabbed a jacket and a torch, hoping I would go and find her. 

I turned the corner and walked to the nearest park - not there. I started walking back when I heard a scream, Alyssa's scream? Sounds like it - I have to save her!

I sprinted towards the sound of her scream, I got to an alley-way to find a stupid drunk straddling her, I attacked him with a piece of wood but he kept coming on to her like a freaking magnet.

"GET OFF HER YOU DICK" I screamed in my loudest voice, he turned and looked at me - then looked back at her. He gave her a punch in the face and then sprinted off, I ran to her aid.

"Alyssa, babe im so sorry this is all my fault!" I whispered in her ear, a few tears escaped my eyes. I think she might need a hospital, she was hurt bad. I grabbed my iphone and dialed the ambulance. 

"Hello, how may I help you?"

"Hey my name is Luke and my friend was just beaten in an alley way"

"Okay, which alley way?"

"Glenroy alley way, please hurry"

"Be right there mate, stay with her, thank you for calling"

The guy hung up and I looked at Alyssa, she was now lifeless. I nudged her a little but no reaction. I called my house and told them about Alyssa, Jai was not going to like this. Neither was Maddi - I swear to god if she wasn't unconsious I would be more worried about facing her sister.

~~~~~~~~~~~JAI'S P.O.V~~~~~~~~~~

The phone rang, and Beau answered I heard him gasp and he nodded his head - but he looked worried. "Guys! Luke found Alyssa in an alley way beaten up!" He screamed - we all hopped in his car and sped to them. 

I was going to kill Luke.  He didn't know how to take care of a friggen girl, he doesn't deserve someone like Alyssa, I can see Maddi is thinking the same thing.

We ran out of the car  and went by Luke, holding Alyssa's lifeless body. "IS SHE DEAD!?" Maddi was crying her eyes out. "No, just unconcious" Luke said, wow - he was crying to. Maddi instantly bitch slapped Luke sending him backwards in pain.

Ehm, YEAH MADDI! I knelt down to see Alyssa's face, She had a bleeding lip, nos and a black eye. Not to mention a huge scratch across her face. The ambulance finally arrived, Beau went to signal them.

~~~~~~~~~~LUKE'S P.O.V~~~~~~~~~~~

A bitch slap, wow nice. I guess I did deserve it, I felt horrible. The ambulance came into sight and they lifted her into the vechile. "One person can come fella's" The nurse explained. "I will!" I shouted and I walked over to them. "No! You don't deserve to see her you fag!" Jai yelled, "Maddi will go!" he muttered. Madison hopped into the ambulance and it drove off. "BEAU! Hospital! - NOW" I yealled at him, he just nodded and started driving.

Keep calm and love Luke Brooks (Janoskians fan fic)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt