Chaptah 6 :D

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"ALYSSA GET YOUR MOTHA FUCKIN ASS OUT OF BED YOU MEET WITH LUKE IN AN HOUR" I opened my eyes in disbelief. "HOLY SHIT TURN MA SHOWER ON TWINNIE!" I shouted as I sprung up and over to my mirror. Maddi turned my shower on and I hopped in, I quickly rinsed my hair and put conditioner through it as fast as I could.

As soon as I hopped out, I dryed my hair and put it in a gorgeous fishtail braid - showing off my dark blue hair tips.I threw on the outfit I picked out yesterday, how did I manage to sleep till 1:00pm? Typical teenager. "You look amazing twinnie" Maddi said smiling at me. I blushed a little bit, I hate being complimented. 

Beep Beep

"Thats him now! Good luck babe" Maddi yelled after me as I ran downstairs pumped.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~MADDI'S P.O.V~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I was so happy for Alyssa, even though she was the older twin - I had always gotten the boys. She didn't seem to mind, at one point I thought she was lesbian. Don't ask.

I called my boyfriend, Caleb.


"Aye babe, come over we have the place to ourselves!"

"Oh, um I need to tell you something aswell."

"Yeah sure whatevs, see ya soon - Love you!"

He hung up . Something was wrong, he always said he loves me back. I started getting worried.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ALYSSA'S P.O.V~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Luke picked me up in beau's car - what a sweetie. On the way to the cinema's we blasted 1D from the radio. "BABY YOU LIGHT UP MY WORLD LIKE NOBODY ELSE" We screamed in sync, a couple of pedestrians gave us the finger for being so loud which only made us sing louder. 

Luke had a sense of humor just like mine! :'D I stared at him for a second, he stared back once we pulled up in the car park. 'Well, we're here ma lady" He said once he came round to my side opening up the door for me. he held out his arm. "Why thank you kind sir" I said in a posh accent. We were going to get along fine.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~MADDI'S P.O.V~~~~~~~~~~~~

"YOU'RE WHAT!?" I screamed at Caleb. Several tears streamed down my face. "It was a one night thing babe! It didn't mean anything! I LOVE YOU! "

"YOU CHEATED ON ME! GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY HOUSE!" That friggen man whore. I loved him. He stormed out and slammed the door behind him. I curled up on the couch and cried myself to sleep.

~~~~~~~~~~~~ALYSSA'S P.O.V~~~~~~~~

After I grabbed Luke's arm we skipped into the entrance of the Cinema, but being me I tripped and bought Luke with me. He landed right on top of me. We locked eyes and I blushed as I stared into his beautiful brown gaze. Luke Brooks was flawless.

~~~~~~~~~LUKE'S P.O.V~~~~~~~

Oh.My.God. Those gorgeous blue eyes of hers. I couldn't stop staring into them. They were the bluest blue I had ever seen. Just perfect. I noticed that she was blushing so I hopped up and pulled her up with me. We bought tickets to see TED. I heard it was amazing. Well, I payed for the food and Alyssa payed for the tickets (which were VERY expensive)  when we walked into our cinema the ad's had already started and we took our seats next to each other.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ALYSSA'S P.O.V~~~~~~~~~~'

The movie was half way through and It was HILARIOUS. I glanced over at Luke to find him trying to breathe from laughing so hard. He was adorable. He looked at me and smiled, I looked down and blushed. Luke lifted my chin up with his index finger, I smiled at  him and he grabbed my hand and intwined our fingers I laughed a little and turned back to the movie.

~~~~~~~~~~~LUKE'S P.O.V~~~~~~~~~~~

I locked my hand with hers, I hope I didn't freak her out. I really do like her, she is not like the other girls. She actually has self respect. I planned to take her out on more dates to get to know her and hopefully make her mine. Even the way she dresses is perfect <3

~~~~~~~~~~~ALYSSA'S P.O.V~~~~~~~~

Once the movie was finished, we walked around for a bit learning things about each other, It was amazing just being able to talk to him. We walked back to the car so he could take me home. Best.Day.Ever. He stopped in my driveway and we both hopped out. 'Thank you for today Luke, I had fun" I gave him a smirk and then kissed him on the cheek. 

"Call me maybe!" Luke started singing I burst out laughing and gave him a hug "Of course I will!" and I walked into my house. I saw maddi on the couch with a tear stained face and she was snoring her head off. "Maddi wake up! Hun wake up!" She groaned and then slowly opened her eyes. I swallowed her in a hug sisterly hug. She told me about Caleb and his man whoriness. I was furious.

I told her to call it a night and go upstairs and get more sleep. I went into my room to go on Twitter. As soon as I logged on, I had 10 thousand more followers - WOAH. Then I saw that Luke and the rest of the boys had followed me! #FangirlMoment. 

But I also noticed Luke had taken a photo of me when I wasn't looking and mentioned me in it. 

@Luke_Brooks @Alyssa_Bum - Great night with Alyssa, hope to do it again sometime<3

I had an ear-to-ear grin and I commented on the photo.

@Luke_Brooks @Alyssa_Bum - Definitely doing that again! Best night ever!<3

I straight away had replies, mostly nice ones saying how lucky I am. But some of them were just pure mean, I really couldn't care less though. I went on a date with Luke Brooks and I wasn't going to give him up easily.

Keep calm and love Luke Brooks (Janoskians fan fic)Where stories live. Discover now