Final Round

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George pulls up to a run-down complex on Lexington Avenue. Weeds have overtaken the yard and trash is scattered about. The decrepit structure looks like it could collapse at any time. I can see someone like Billy living here. The detective surveys the shady characters stomping around the yard. A young man runs to a group on the corner. A few seconds later, the gang glances his way. The leader shoves a small object in his pocket, then whispers to them. The thugs dart in different directions.

"That wasn't obvious." George chuckles as he climbs out of his car. He starts towards the apartment when another thought comes to mind. "Hey, you, in the black hat." The detective marches towards him.

The gangster speeds up.

"Stop, police." George picks up his pace.

The goon push through the crowd.

You're going to regret making this fat boy run. George chases after him. With a few feet between them, the detective leaps on the guy.

Air whooshes from the hoodlum's lungs when he hits the ground. "I... I didn't do nothing," he says as George pulls him to his feet.

"Why did you run?"

"I didn't know who you were."

"And I'm Mother Mary. You could have saved yourself a lot of trouble if you'd stopped when I asked." George pats him down. Discovering he's clean, the detective spins him around.

The suspect's body clanks against the chain linked fence. "Easy there, copper." He lifts his hands in the air.

George pulls his phone from his pocket. "Do you know this guy?"

"That's Billy."

"Where does this Billy character live?"

"I don't know." He looks down the road to find his friends are long gone. Figures.


"His old lady kicked him out after she caught him with her best friend."

"Does his wife still live around here?"

"He doesn't have a wife."

George rolls his eyes. "His old lady then?"

"She moved in with her mama in Brooklyn."

"You might want to tell your buddies to get rid of their stash before the DEA makes their bust." Seeing the puzzled expression on the young man's face George chuckles. "You guys aren't as slick as you think."


Finding a way to stop them, Billy walks back to the front room. He discovers the two women busy chatting on the couch.

"'I've been thinking about our situation."

"I'm surprised you still have enough brain power to think."

Billy sneers at Mia before he continues. "We're doing this for Katelyn, right?"

"Yeah," Sarah agrees.

"So, it'd only make sense if we toast our success in her honor."

"It's a nice thought Billy, but I'm not much of a drinker," Sarah says.

"Whatcha got?" Mia asks.

"I have a few cold ones in the fridge." Bill pulls out two brown bottles.

"I don't like beer." Mia turns towards Sarah.

"I have a little wine left over from a party." He checks the refrigerator again. "Here it is." He grabs two glasses, the wine, his beer and heads towards the front room. "So, what do you say, you wanna have a drink with me in Katelyn's honor?" he asks as he pours the red wine into two small plastic cups.

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