
Mikey! Who the fuck does she think she is!

Michael stood there in silence his hand coming up to rest on the side of the door, squeezing it tightly until his knuckles turned white, her smug face practically asking to be punched.

"Calm down Alissa." Maya whispered placing her hand over mine which I hadn't even realised was gripping hard over the desk, I immediately released it giving her an uneasy look.

"I've come to see if we can try again." Her voice echoed around the room, her words making me feel sick as I tried to cover my gasp, coughing slightly.


"Stop Mikey." Her finger coming to rest over his lips, forcing his head to immediately pull to the side, the tension in the room building up further. "I think I'm ready for kids now." Her smug face turned away from him for the first time and her eyes started to scan over the class. Her prudey faced was plastered with a fake smile until her eyes landed on me, her gaze travelling down to my stomach as I rubbed the side of it. Michael followed her gaze, his eyes growing dark as he saw what she was staring at.

"See Mikey, I didn't want kids back then because I didn't want to end up like her..."

Those were the last words I heard before the room erupted as Michael slammed his hand against the door, grabbed her shoulders and pushed her out of the room backwards until I heard her back slam against the lockers.

My heart beat faster, and my face began to burn as I heard chairs skid around me as everyone ran over to the door to watch what was going on. I winced as a sharp pain ran round the bottom of my stomach, my hands immediately coming down to it, causing Maya and Sam to come around and stand in-front of me, their eyes laced with concern.

"Go on sir!" I heard Jamie shout and another bang come from the locker outside.

"Alissa!" My ears rang as my heart beat increased, unable to hear anything but the rushing of blood to my head.

"Alissa you need to breathe!" Maya screamed over the roar of the class, her hands grabbing the side of my face as she breathed in and out slowly, encouraging me to follow. I calmed down slightly as I followed her movement but my body tensed as I heard Michael's inaudible shouts slightly louder than the murmur of the class. My hands massaged my lower stomach as more pain shot down and increased with my intense breathing.

"Alissa! Alissa what did I just say, please listen!" Maya shouted into my face, Sam stood by her side, her eyes slightly teary as she stared on nervously.

"Y-yes I'm just scared." I sniffed, my breathe shaky as I tried to hold in my sobs, my hand being held firmly in Sam's as Maya smoothed her hand over my hair to calm me.

"It's gonna be alright sweetie, Michael's going to be just fine okay?" Maya reassured me giving me a soft sympathetic smile earning a weak one in return from myself.

My heart practically falling out my chest at the sound of the classroom door slamming shut, my head snapping up to lock eyes with a very distressed Michael.

He came rushing over, his hand running through his curls that now fell untidily around his reddened face, his eyes dark glistening and with a layer of tears His teeth were chewing violently at his bottom lip before he sighed frustratedly as he approached me. His eyes examining my face, bringing a hand to rest on my shoulder taking a sharp intake of breathe.

"I-I'm so sorry I'm so fucking sorry Alissa." He rambled, his apologies continuing to spill from his mouth as he gripped my shoulder tighter, my eyes widening slightly wondering if he had forgotten the rest of my classmates were surrounding us, whispering to each other and shooting confused looks towards me.

"Sir, it's fine I promise." I replied quietly, my hand still resting on my stomach as my eyes tried to look anywhere but his face knowing I would breakdown if I met his gaze. Michael suddenly being snapped back into reality as his hand flew away from my body, his head whipping round to see the sea of faces starting back at him.

"I was just worried, we can't have Alissa being stressed it's very unhealthy for the babies." He announced as calmly as he could muster, his hands finding their way to his pockets as he scanned his eyes up to the clock which indicated we still had 30 minutes remaining of the lesson.

"Right class, I think that's enough for today's lesson...umm yeah right off you go." He mumbled opening the door allowing everyone to pour out, including Sam and Maya who I told to leave as I needed to be alone with Michael.

"M-Michael..." I spoke out, finally looking at his face, a gasp escaping my mouth as they focused on three small scratches that plastered across his cheek. Unable to control the tears, they fell down my face, my heart practically being ripped from my body.

How could she do that to his beautiful face?

As soon as the door was shut he rushed over to me still sat on the chair, his hands cupping either side of my face as he squinted at me, his eyes frantically searching my face while his thumb started to pad away the tears.

I opened my mouth but no words came out as I rubbed my finger over the scratches, causing Michael to wince, immediately more tears falling from my eyes.

"Alissa come here." He whispered softly, holding both of my hands to help me up from the chair and immediately wrapping his arms tightly around my body. The fast padding of his heart beat through my cheek as I nuzzled my face into him, the tears suppressing as he ran his hand through my hair.

"I'm so so sorry baby." Michael sighed, his voice breaking slightly, causing me to release him so I could see his face. His eyes not focusing on me as he chewed on the side of his lip.

"Michael." I spoke desperately, his eyes finally coming to rest on mine, the bridge of his nose scrunching up as he breathed heavily. "What happened?"

I stared at the scratch intently, the reddened skin making my whole body burn with anger, unable to take my eyes away.

"I don't want to tell you..." Michael whispered, bringing his hands down to my waist. "But it's sorted I promise."

Was it though?

His words made my heart ache further, the strangled tone in his voice showed just how hard he was trying to hold in his tears.

"Okay Michael I trust you." I leant up to press my lips to his, his body relaxing against mine as I did, while his hands ran up my sides.

"Right that's it I'm taking you home now baby." He said seriously pulling away so he could see my face, his eyes softer as they focused on my lips.

"No Michael I'm fine we've got two hours you can't ju..."

He cut me off as he brought his face closer, his lips hovering over mine causing my body to form goosebumps. His hand snaked round to my front and gently rubbed my stomach, the feeling instantly soothing.

"I don't care Alissa." He sighed pulling away. "I want you and the twins home... with me." He spoke, staring down at my stomach as his had continued to run over, a sight that I would never get used to.

"Okay baby." I whispered, leaning up again to plant another kiss against his lips before he grabbed my bag while his fingers laced securely between mine.

But I couldn't shake the image of her smug face and the fear that still glistened in Michael's eyes.

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