Snow Storms

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It was a cold snowy night and I was some alone for the weekend while my parents were in Vermont with my aunt and uncle. I was in the kitchen washing dishes and listening to music when I looked out my window and saw someone staring at me I screamed. I took a knife in defence when I looked a little harder I was it was Matt from my school. Matt was one of the most popular kids in the school, he was a jerk but never to me or my friends. I opened the door and let him in.

"you scared the shit out of me." I said throwing the knife in the sink. "what are you doing here anyway, you should be home it's really bad outside."

"I was on my way when my car just went out of control and so I walked for a little to find a house so I could call someone because I left my phone home, so here I am. can I barrow your phone?"

"yeah sure" I handed him the phone. he dialed the number then walked into the livingroom. I went into my room and got a pair of sweat pants, a long sleeve shirt, sock and boxers. yes i sleep in boxers. I walked back into the kitchen and made some hot chocolate. Matt walked back into the kitchen

"hey can I ask you something"

"Shoot' I said handing him the hot chocolate

"do you think I can spend the night?" he asked

"yeah of course, do you really think I was going to let you go back into that snow."

"thank you" he said and took a sip of his hot chocolate. I walked to my room and back to the kitchen.

"here you can barrow these" I said handing him the cloths. "you can stay in the guest room."

"okay thanks" he said

"upstairs and its the first door on the right, did you eat dinner?"


"okay go get changed and I'll us dinner."

"Thank you" he said then walked upstairs. he came back down and I just put the pizza in the oven. while that cooks we sat in the living room. "so why do you have boy boxers?" he asked

"I like to sleep in them"


"so do you want to watch a movie?" I asked

"sure how about The Breakfast Club"

"sure I-" I was cut off by my phone ringing "I'll be right back"


"hey babe"

'dont call me that, we broke up Jack so stop calling me" I said

"but I want to be with you"

"well you should have thought about that before you went and slept with another girl' I said trying not to yell

"come on give me one more chance


Matt walked into the kitchen and took the phone right out of my hand and said "look she said to stop calling her so stop calling her." and then he hung up

"thanks Matt, the Pizza is done" we ate the pizza and watch the movie then we put another movie in we watched The Hills Have Eyes. I covered my eyes and Matt saw me to it, he laughed "do you need me to protect you." he said in a laugh.

"yes" I whined still covering my eyes. he got up and sat next to me. I took hold of his arm and hid my eyes.

"you are such a baby" he said with a smile.

"yes I am" I said in a giggle looking at my hands. he pulled my chin up a little so that I could look at him. he leaned in close to me, and before I knew it his lips were on mine. I put my hand on his chest and his hands moved to my hair. he licked my bottom lip and I let him in, our tongues explored each others mouth. after what felt like for over we pulled apart for air.

We put in another movie and i fell asleep watching it. Matt carried me to my room, before he could leave I grabbed his hand "stay with me please." he climbed into bed with me and we both fell asleep.

I woke up the next morning and I felt Matt's hand around my waist. I slowly got out of bed trying not to wake Matt up. I went into the kitchen and looked out the window and saw that the snow was really deep. I took out my cook book and started to make pancakes and bacon. Matt woke up and he snaked his arms around my waist "morning" he said and kissed me on the cheek. we sat down and ate breakfast. "hey Erin when this snow clears up and we are able to leave...will you go out with me?"

I got up and kissed him on the lips "yes"

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