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I was sitting on my couch reading a book when I heard screaming from the other trailer next door.


"GET OUT, GET OUT OF MY HOUSE." a women yelled

Stuff like that happens all the time, you get use to it after a while. I settled back into my book when there was a knock at the door. I walked over to it and saw Jimmy holding Lilly.

"Hey Rabbit" I said to Jimmy "Hey Lilly"

"Hey Jade, can Lilly stay with you for a little?" he asked

"Yeah sure" I took Lilly in my arms. "Go ahead and put a movie in, I'll make you dinner. "

"Thank you" he said and left. I ran after him

"Rabbit wait." I said he stopped

"Is everything alright?" I asked him

"Yeah it will be."

"you know if you ever just want to get away you can always come over...you can bring Lilly too."

He lean over and gave me a kiss on the cheek "Thanks" was all he said and then he walked away. I walked back in the house to see Lilly chilling on the couch watching some movie. I walked into the kitchen and made spighettii for dinner. a few hours later Jimmy was at the door. I picked up Lilly and handed her to Jimmy.

"Thank you again." He said, I walked outside with him

"Anytime, you know I love her, such a good girl." I kissed her forehead

A black SUV pulled up "Jade take Lilly to my house and lock the door." he said

"But Jimmy-"

"Go" I ran in and locked the door. I watched as Papa Doc and his friends beat him. "Jimmy" Lilly scream with tiers flowing down her cheeks. I pulled her into my arms and cradled her rocking back and forth. when she calmed down I looked out side to see Papa Doc holding a gun to Jimmy's face. I gasped and held on to Lilly trigger covering her ears. I waited for the gun fire but it never came I looked out and saw Jimmy laying on the ground. I ran out to him followed by Lilly.

"Oh my god Jimmy" I put his head on my lap. "Hey baby go unlock my house. I said to Lilly handing her my keys.

"Come on Jimmy." I said putting one of his arms around me and mine around his waist and then we walked to my house . I laid him on the couch and got ice, cold water and three rags.

I lifted his shirt that showed bruising already, I put a rag in the cold water and lightly laid it on him stomach, I put ice on his eye and cleaned his cuts. when I was done I saw Lilly looking tired, I picked her up and brought her to my bed. "Jade" she said

"Yeah baby?"

"Can you sing for me like Jimmy does please"

"Sure," she told me the words and I sang them

"When I feel blue, don't know what to do, I just look at you and I say hey" I sang to her and she closed her eyes.

I walked out to see Jimmy Laying on my couch looking at the ceiling. "How are you feeling Rabbit?"

"I'll be okay...and it's Jimmy."

"Okay Jimmy." I took a rag, dipped in in cold water and put it on his busies.

"How did you know that song?"

"Lilly told me the words."

"Oh" was all he said. I went to the kitchen and got him some water.

"So are you going to tell me why Papa Doc is messing with you." I asked putting more ice on his eye

"How did you know that was Papa Doc?"

"I've been to some of the battles."

"Get the fuck out."

"What? I think you are really good."


I saw his mom walk into the her house. "I'm going to bring Lilly back to your house and I'll be back." I said kissing his cheek. I brought Lilly home.

"Have you seen my Son?" Jimmy's mother asked

"He's asleep on my couch, I didn't was to wake him up."

"Oh okay." I left and walked back into my house, Jimmy was falling asleep, I walked over to him and put his arm around me. "come on, my bed is more comfortable than the couch" I laid him down.

"Thank you" He said. I went to kiss his cheek but he caught me by the back of my neck and pulled closer to his lips and closed the distance between us. and I kissed him back.

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