
75 2 2

I was standing on the pedestal listening for the count down. 5. 4.3. I was trying to keep myself calm. 2. 1. I ran off my pedestal and ran to the pile I grabbed a bag and a curved knife, when I turned to run the boy from 5 came at me with a knife, I dogged him and then I cut his stomach with the knife. I ran towards the wood when the girl fro, 7 tackled me to the ground. I was trying to get to my knife but I couldn't get to it I was to far way. "great this is the end for me" I thought to my self but then just as she was about to cut a knife into my neck a spear went into her back and she fell to the side. I looked to see Jack from 1. "Ivy lets go move your ass." he said and we took off running back to pile. "why are we running back?" I asked "Otto said to help kill off who ever we could." Jack said. Otto was the boy from 2 yes I befriended the careers. Why? I don't really know to tell the truth I guess they liked what I did in training and I got a 9 as my score.

That night we all went hunting and when I said we I mean. Me, Jack 1, Otto 2, Kelly 2,and  Tina 4. We walked a little further until I smelled smoke, we ran towards the fire and saw the boy from 9, he looked just like Grain, I paused, I couldn't look while Otto and Kelly killed him. I only said yes to them so it could keep me alive for a little and in hope I could win. My thought went to Peeta, I needed to win so I could go back to him. after Jack and  Tina killed the girl from 3.

"You" Otto said "I want to see you kill someone, prove to me that I shouldn't kill you right now."

I didn't want to kill anyone but if I have to, to survive and go home I will. We walked around and then I found the girl from 11 she was curled up and a sleeping bag. she shot up and I put her in a head lock and broke her neck. before I broke her neck I whispered "I'm sorry" and then I let her fall out of my hands...live-less.

We walked back to to where the pile was and made camp in an abandoned building. out of all the arenas that have been shown through out the hunger games his was my least favorite. It looked like a bomb went off, rubble everywhere, I just hated it. I took a sleeping bag and covered myself in it and laid down. I pulled up my sleeve to revile a gold bracelet that Peeta gave me for my 12th birthday, I never have taken it off. Jack walked over to me and handed me an apple. I saw me playing with the bracelet. "boyfriend give that to you?" he asked

"at the time he wasn't my boyfriend just best friends but now he is, I miss him a lot."

"yeah I know how you feel." he held out a gold locket and opened it and showed a picture of a girl with bond hair and blue eyes. "Shes pretty, whats is her name?"

"Glimmer" he said

I jump from the sound of a cannon. Otto got up and woke everyone up so we could find water. while we were walking a spear came through the air "Duck" I yelled. I looked behind me and saw that Tina was hit right in the chest. Kelly got up and ran after the killer and then a cannon went off and then another one I looked up to see Tina and the boy from 12 I looked up again and saw it was my my partner, If I didn't duck I would have been hit. Then it clicked my partner was trying to kill me, and to think we use to be friends and be in the same class.

I walked over to my partners body, I took his knives and bag. I looked through his bag and found some apples, matches, sleeping back, and some rope. I took his stuff and and walked back to the group. we were walking back when the boy from 11 fell out of a tree right in front of us. I looked at him he was one of the 12 year old's.

"Come on Otto kill him I want to go back t camp." Kelly said

"No we'll get him later"

"No kill him get it over with." Otto walked the other direction leaving the boy alone. "Fine I'll do it myself." she took a knife and before I could stop her the knife hit his throat.

I walked back to camp, took my sleeping back and laid in the corner. It was dark out I walked over to the pile of supplies took some apples, rope, a knife and my curved knife (The one Thresh had in the movie) Then I walked over to Jack and whispered in his ear "I hope you win" I walked over to a sleeping Kelly. I raised my knife and said in a whisper so only Kelly could hear it "This is for 11" and then I slit her throat. I took off running, after putting enough distance between the careers and myself I climbed a tree and stayed in it. I would have stayed in one of the building but that would be to easy. I sat in the tree and fell asleep I dreamed I was with Peeta again. In the dream I was siting in between Peeta's lap and we were sitting near the fence and looked out on to the woods. he had is arms around me. "I love you" he whispered. the sound of a cannon went off and I looked around at Peeta and he was laying on the ground with blood all over him. "Peeta NO" I yelled "don't leave me, I love you" I said sobbing.

I woke myself up covered in a cold sweat, I climbed down and walked around and found water I filled a bottle and then went back to my spot when I looked up I saw the girl from 10 with a bow. "shit I whispered to myself. I took off running, she got down and ran after me, she shot her bow and she missed me by and inch. when I looked at her she ran out of arrows and I tuned took my knife and threw it at her and it hit her right in the stomach "I'm sorry" I said and ran off.

That night I decided so sleep on the ground and cover my self in camouflage. I slowly drifted off to sleep. I woke up with a sering pain I looked down at my stomach and saw blood. I looked up to see the face of Otto. a picture of Peeta's face popped into my head, I closed my eyes, when I opened them again I saw my Mother, Father and little sister in front of me and I was at peace.

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