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I stood right in the middle of the horrific scene of the first of many battles with other districts.

"Everyone into the cornucopia so they can pick up the bodies"  Cato barked. while the aircraft picked up the bodies we went through the things that were in the cornucopia. we had everything that could last us weeks.

"Kayla you have first watch." Cato ordered I nodded my head, took a bow in my hands and just waited, waited for anything. I was walking around when I heard something behind me. I loaded my bow and made sure my knife was at my side. I turned and aimed.

"watch what you are doing" Cato said to me. 

"sorry I-" I was cut off by a snap of a twig I looked and then I saw something move, I aimed and shot my bow in the the woods. seconds later a cannon went off. he and I looked up at the sky and saw the girl from 10.

"Nice shot 7" he said giving me a gentle push.

"Marvel, Clove, Glimmer and Lover boy get up we are going hunting" he yelled  

"Cato" I said


"I think lover boy over here should lead the way"

"why the hell should we let him do that?"

"so it would be easier to find the girl on fire"

"...not a bad idea" he said

we walked into the woods and walked around till I spotted a fire. "hey, Cato look" I whispered pointing to the fire. "some people are so stupid" I whispered

"you got that right" Marvel said.

"Lets get them" Gimmer said.

we walked slowly towards the fire, and there we saw the girl from 8. she let out a scream then we heard the cannon and after that we moved on and walked around killed off the boy from 6 and then we went back to the cornucopia. Peeta took over the first watch. I lied down and once I closed my eyes I was asleep.

I woke up from a horrible dream so I though tI would take over the watch because I didn't want to go back to sleep.

"Hey lover boy I'll take over"

"you don't have to it's okay I got it"

"no go get some sleep" I said crossing my arms

"you okay?" he asked

"yeah fine... I... I just had a bad dream"

"Oh...okay well thanks" he said putting his hand on my shoulder

I sat down, I pulled my legs close to me and I started to cry, I hated this I hated what I'm doing I just want to go home.

"you okay" Cato asked as he sat down next to me

"yeah I'm fine" I said smiling at him

"don't lie to me" he said

"okay fine I had a nightmare, and I cant sleep"

"well you are okay now" he put his arm around me, and we stayed like that, and then I fell asleep. I woke up to another cannon going off it was the girl from 4

"I want to go hunting again" Clove said

"okay everyone stock up and then we will go" Cato said

I grabbed a backpack and put some rope, matches, sleeping bag, water jug, and glasses that let you see in the dark and some apples and dried beef, and some healing goop just in case. I put a knife in my jacket and in my side pants pocket and then I was ready to go.

"lets move out." Clove called

we walked for about an hour then we made it to the river, and that is when we say her, the girl on fire.

"hey look there she is." Marvel said

she tired to make a run for it but she couldn't get so far. we ran after her and then we found her in a tree, Glimmer tried to shoot her with arrows but she missed, Cato tried to but he also missed.

"lets just wait her out, she will have to come down sooner or later we will kill her then" Peeta said.

"fine someone build a fire" Cato barked in anger. that's what I did. it got dark and I was getting tired, Cato was sitting next to me playing with his sword.

Everyone was sleeping except me, Cato and Peeta.

"Kayla" Cato said

"yeah" I asked

"come here" he said

I Crawled over to him and leaned against him.

"try and get some sleep okay"

"thank you" I said and kissed him on the cheek and fell asleep. I woke up early that morning with Cato's arm around me. I looked around and saw everyone still sleeping. I got up and went to go fill every ones water bottles. when i finished filling Marvel's water bottle I her screaming and yelling and then I saw Cato, Clove, Marvel running towards me, they all jumped into the river. then I heard a cannon go off.

I ran over to Cato, he was covered in Tracker Jacker stings. "what happened" "that bitch dropped a nest of tracker jackers on us and Glimmer didn't make it" Cato said Peeta came back from the woods. with all of our stuff. I ran over to him and got my pack. "everyone out of the water and come towards me I have stuff that will help." I said I tried the healing goop but it didn't do much so I ran to the woods, grabbed some leaves that they used in my district for tracker jacker stings.

"here you guys put these in you mouth s an chew them up." they did as I said  I walked over to Cato. "what do we do now?" asked Clove

"spit it into my hands" I told him. he did as I said and I put it on his sting and when I did that he layed down in relief, and everyone fallowed what I did I gave everyone water and some apples. night fell and I walked over to Cato to see how he was doing, I sat next to him, he looked better than he did.

He took my hand in his and looked me right in the eyes and I looked into his light blue ones. "thank you for taking care of me, I don't know why you are but thank you". he leaned closer to me and so did I his lips met mine, his warm soft lips. his hands went to my hair and mine went around his neck. we pulled away out of breath, we smiled at each other and we laid down and fell asleep. I jerked awake because I thought I heard a sound I woke up Cato and we stood up ready to attack and out of no where a spear went through the air about to hit Cato I ran for him and stood in front of him and I took the hit. I fell in to Cato's arms. Clove threw a knife and it killed the boy from 10.

"why, why did you do that?" Cato asked me

"I care about you" I said smiling

he leaned down and kissed me, "win for me please"

"I will" he said and he kissed me again and I smiled up at him and then I was gone.

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