Innocent Victim

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Misha's mind frantically went through a myriad of options to change the topic.

She said the first thing that came to her mind. "Did your Mom make Chole Batura today for Dinner?"

"Yeah. Very wise guess Ms Snoopy." She could almost picturise the smirk on Victor's face now.

Wrong strategy! Retreat!! Retreat!!!

"Look... you asked me to text, but I felt bad and called you instead, and this is what I get in return!" She tried her best to sound hurt.

"That fake tone wont do Misha. Even when I cant see your face, I can guess exactly what is going on in that cunning brain of yours!"

She was stunned into silence by his shrewd and intuitive guess, but recovered quickly to say, "And I can easily guess how much time you have spent in sending that message, because that is so unlike you. What is going on Victor?"

He took his time to answer, and Misha wondered if he too was impressed by her insights into his thought process.
"I don't know what came over me when I texted. I was not in the best of my moods I guess. I just felt like... forget it. Why don't you rest now? It's almost midnight. We will talk tomorrow. Okay?" Victor sounded keen to end the call.

"Victor..." Misha said softly.

After a pause Victor replied, "Hmm.."

"Just a few moments ago, I was thinking that you and me... we both have come a long way since Goa. My perception and opinion of you has changed a lot since then and I hope you know me enough by now, to understand that I am not a judgemental person. So why do you still talk to me with so many filters?"

"Before I answer that, I want to know... do you talk to me without any filters?" Victor questioned back.

"Well... except for some girlie things, I do. You know how I shout at you all the time. I don't hold anything back. You must be cursing me inwardly."

"I don't Misha... You know I don't. I used to hate your guts initially, but now... I am so used to your shouting that it feels odd if you talk to me nicely."

She was glad to hear his loud chuckle and joined him with a relieved heart.

"Well then... tell me what happened. What did you say that upset your family so much? Don't ask me how I knew that, okay? I cant sleep now, till you tell me."

As Victor explained briefly how his mother and sister got upset by his remarks, Misha began to realize how Victor and his blunt talk could be his worst enemy.

"I know you are already quite upset with what happened, but take it from me, most people don't like to hear the straight talk or advice, especially if it is a harsh truth. I am not saying what you said is wrong, but you could have been more subtle. But I am equally impressed on how well you understood Suman Ji's heart and how much she loves Arunya. Why couldn't you feel the same sympathy towards your Mom? Is it because Loki is a murderer?"

"Bloody obvious, isn't it? You weren't there when he killed Nanda Sir, Misha. He was cool as a cucumber and I bet he wouldn't have hesitated to kill me either."

"But he didn't, did he?"

"What do you mean? Look... there is no point in talking hypotheticals here. Whatever happened, happened. Now that I know he hatched this whole plan from the beginning, I hate him even more. Why should I or my mother feel anything akin to love towards a guy, who planned my murder and impersonation in cold blood? The way they blackmailed Ashwin!! And where do I even start with what Anosha went through... He is one hell of a selfish, cruel bastard who deserves all the punishment and suffering, and definitely not the love of a kind soul like my mother." Victor's voice trembled.

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