Extra story:Blackening

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Rose bites her lips.

Something is bothering her husband's mind. He looks troubled ever since he got a letter from his home in Northern Scotland.

Dallas touches a letter in his pocket again. He has been called home.

Aberdeen is in North East of Scotland. He hasn't been home for ages. Not since he is in his twenties. When he left home to chase his dream to become a boxing champion.

Rose holds his hand and she asks, "Could you just tell me? What's been bothering you?"

A kiss to her sweet lips.

She blushes when they have finished kissing. He is a good kisser. But she won't let him change the subject again so easily.

Dallas confesses, "Grandma has asked me home. She wanted to see me before she died."

"Is she sick?" asks her worriedly.

"Might be one of her tricks again. She always wants me to settle down in Aberdeen. Married a local girl. Be a farmer. That's just not me."

Rose is hugging him when she says, "Well, you already married me. Let's go to your hometown and pays her a little visit."

"But the factory..."

"I could take two weeks off. My assistant manager could handle it for a while."

Dallas holds her hand and then he kisses it.

He says, "Granny would love you. I'm sure of it."

"I certainly hope so."


The trip to Scotland is long and tiresome. Not to mention their fiery nights in the Inns. Marrying a boxing champ meant one thing. He got excellent stamina. Sometimes it hards to fulfill his needs in bed.

A kiss to her cheek before he greets, "Morning. Did you sleep well?"

"No, you keep me awake all night," protests her.

Dallas teases, "You love my performances last night, Dear. Don't complain too much in the morning."

"I'm sleepy..."

Rose yawns loudly.

He says, "I'll fetch us something to eat. You could sleep in the carriage later."

She asks, "How much further?"

"Three days on the road. A ferry trip and we would be there."

"Okay. Wake me up when breakfast is ready..."

She lies back to sleep again.

Dallas chuckles and then he shakes his head. Rose might be grumpy in the morning for lack of sleep. But she's quite eager in the nights.


Aberdeen in North Scotland. It's a smaller town compared to busy London.

Rose looks around.

Dallas explains, "My family home is still few miles from Aberdeen. We have our own farm over there."

They continue their trip by a rental carriage. It's quite a bumpy ride. The carriage is old and uncomfortable one.

Dallas says, "Sorry. It's..."

"Stop apologizing. I could handle a journey like this. I'm not exactly a delicate flower in a glass house."

"No. You are wild rose. With thorns to prick anyone crossed you."

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