Ch.XI Princess in tower

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"Our men have seen him at train station. He will come here," reports Hook. "Let him come. I will wring his little neck," says Patch angrily.

"Remember, don't kill him. The general wants him alive," warns Hanks. He said it while sharpening his blade. Sharp to cut a strand of hair into few pieces. Still not enough for him.

"You are the one who wanted to kill him, Hanks. For stealing your woman," mocks Hook. Patch knocks his head before Hanks killed him.

Hanks has been in really bad mood lately. Seems he got rejected.

Patch says cheerfully, "Nessie is always our little princess. We are her guardians. To guard her from evil men." "And we failed. Letting that rogue swept her away," laments Hooks.

Hanks is silent. Keep sharpening his blade efficiently.


The rake is crossing the courtyard when a man shows up to greet him. A skinny tall man with a hook to replace one missing hand.

He taunts, "Cross my dead body, jerk!" "Easy to arrange," replies Val.

Punching with bare fists. Hook is an agile fighter. He landed few punches on Val easily. Val dodges his last punch and landed a kick straight to his face.

Knocked out cold on the ground.

Val mocks, "I love kickboxing. Practice again, pal."

(Won't let anyone stand in my way. Eliminate and goes forward).

Val enters the small garden.

A short fat man blocks his path. An eye patch on one of his eyes. Must be Patch.

Nessie has talked a lot about her O.C crews in the past. Her friends, her knights in shining armor.

Right now the princess is trapped in the tower. With three handicapped knights, her loyal protectors. Stopping an evil prince from kidnapping her again.

"Wrestling, buddy. I'm pretty good. So, don't go easy," warns the fat man a bit too friendly. "I won't. No one could stop me from getting her back." "Let's see if you're good enough for her."

Val got slammed easily.

Patch's heavy body fell on top of him. Preventing him from getting up and retaliate.

Hard to breathe...

The fat man is too tough for him...

(Is this it? Nessie, you belong to me! Can't give up now!)

Val tries to pull his arms from around his neck. And somehow his fingers have tickled him. The fatty laughs heartily.

"Stop, man! Stop! Ha...ha...ha..."

Val kept tickling him till he releases him.

"Man! You didn't play fair!" protests him. "Anything is fair in war and love," says Val. "Really? You love her?" "I'm here. And I won't leave without her."

"Well, good luck, buddy," says Patch. "Thanks," says Val. "Still I don't think you couldn't pass Hanks. He is the best fighter among us," warns him. "I just have to try," says Val while continuing his walk.

In front of the house, the peg leg man has been waiting for him.

"You're late..."scolds Hanks. "Let me pass. Before I cut your other leg," warns Val. "Let's see if you could do it. Or you are only a stupid dog barking too loud."

Hanks throws him a sword and Val catches it. Both men draw their blades at the same time.

Slashing and thrusting. They are both excellent swordsmen.

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