12. The Colonel

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Hanks glances at her. Charlie is eating less than usual. She has been blue for few days now.

Mr.Aes, their butler announces, "Milord, someone has arrived this morning. He said he's an old..."

A man barges into their dining room.

He says, "Hanks would never refuse me in his house. Right, old pal?"

(Colonel Ethan Langford)

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(Colonel Ethan Langford)

Hanks greets, "Colonel, what brings you here?"

"I was in the neighborhood. Thought I should say hello to my old friend."

Hanks is quiet. This man used to be his superior. He was also the one who sent him on a dangerous suicidal mission. Hank's last mission. The one where he lost his leg. And he was forced to retire early from the army.

The Colonel doesn't need any invitation from the house owner.

He sits down on a chair and says cheerfully, "Glad I made it on time. What's on the menu?"

He stares to Hank's plate.

Then he says, "Perfect. Eggs and bacons are my favorite English breakfast. I missed this meal oversea."

Hanks is quiet. The guy is never a talkative one from the start.

The Colonel notices Charlie.

He asks, "Your little sister? She's pretty."

A Lady has just walked into the dining room.

She announces, "Sorry, I was late. My, who is this?"

Hank's stepmother stares the newcomer and she likes what she sees. A man in his prime time. A charismatic figure.

The Colonel rises from his seat.

He takes off his hat and introduces, "Colonel Ethan Langford, Ma'am. At your service."

"Please have a seat, Colonel. Welcome to our humble home."

Hank's stepmother notices the Colonel sometimes glances to Charlie at a certain interval.

Hanks has left the table. He has chores to do in the morning. Taking care the tenants house repairs. His brother's death and father's illness have delayed it.

The repairs should have been done few years ago.

Hanks is still examining the book keeping. He isn't an expert in it. But he feels something is wrong with the equations. Like someone has been stealing from them.

Charlie has finished eating. She is leaving when the Colonel stands up too.

He says, "I'm not familiar with this territory. Would you mind showing me around, Milady?"

Charlie only says, "Sorry..."

She has left the dining room in a hurry.

Hank's stepmother says, "She's pretty and yet quite shy toward strangers, Colonel."

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